Ohne Titel Teil150

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The food came very soon and everything was prepared. Little by little, the first guests came. The four didn't know anyone. but Dani or Toni kept introducing them to the others. Most of the guests were a group of lifeguards who arrived first. "As in an emergency, always first on the scene," said Dani with a laugh as he introduced them to a colleague named Zladdi. Zladdi had seen Zoe's look at his name and said, "I don't come from here, my name comes from Croacia." He smiled at Zoe. "You hardly hear that in your language." she said.

"I've been here a long time," he said. Alvaro and the others couldn't remember all the names, but that wouldn't be a problem either. Everyone quickly had drinks in hand. Mia and Alvaro were sitting outside when two of the lifeguards joined them. "Is it still free here?" Asked one of them and Alvaro nodded.

"You are from Buenos Aires right?" said the other now. "I'm Antonio" he then introduced himself. "And my name is Diego," said the other. "You are  Mia and Alvaro?" Mia nodded.

"Yes, we come from Buenos Aires" Alvaro answered the first question. "We learned to dive with Dani and Toni."

"Dani once said that," said Diego to Antonio, who nodded. "You learned from one of the best. Dani almost lives in water"

"He showed us dolphins," Mia said.

"Yes, he knows where they are often. Have you been to the wreck?"

Alvaro nodded "And in the cave"

Antionio looked at Diego. "We had an emergency in the cave before winter. Unfortunately, it often happens that divers swim into it on their own."

"I was almost lost too," said Mia.

Antonio and Diego looked at her questioningly and Mia said "My lamp broke, I lost my diving partner and it was pitch dark in the cave."

"The cave is treacherous," said Antonio. "Good thing nothing happens to  you."

Alvaro and Mia nodded.

"I would like to dive in there again" said Alvaro.

"Dani will definitely go in with you again when it gets warmer. He loves the cave. He and Toni like to tell the story of the treasure" Antonio laughed.

"Has anyone ever found anything there?" asked Mia

"No, but it is told that we haven't dived as far as the corridors are branched out. I was in there with Dani on our own once. There are some caves that are a little higher, where you can also take a breath. It is super interesting, if you like that. "

Dani came to them. "Don't let them tell you anything," he said with a laugh.

"We talked about the cave," said Alvaro. "Dani nodded." I had picked up something like that. "

Inside the atmosphere was good  "Would you sing with Juanma" Dani said to Mia. Mia smiled and nodded

Mia kissed Alvaro and got up. Juanma stood at the entrance and waited for her.

"We'll sing 'Happy Birthday' first, everyone can sing along. Then the two songs from Charlie, then Ya no mas ok? "He asked. Mia nodded and took his hand. Toni announced the two of them. Alvaro had also come back in with Diego, Antonio and Dani.

"We invited very special friends for Dani's birthday. For Who we haven't introduced to them yet this are Juanma, Alvaro, Zoe and Mia from Buenos Aires." Toni said and waved all four to the stage. "They are at a very special school. You are probably thinking 'Oh yes, at a diving  school when they are here' But no, the school is called St. Marys and dance and singing are taught with other  usual subjects. Two of the students "He put his arm around Mia and Juanma
" have a contract with Charlie Martin. "

The guests applauded. "Since they are here today. We don't want to withhold them from you! Here are Juanma and Miaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

He passed the micro on to Juanma. Juanma held it out to Mia and Mia said "Dani and Toni, we thank you for the invitation and all of you for welcoming us so nicely. Today is a very special day. According to the occasion ..." she squeezed Juanma's hand the music started and the song Happy Birthday played.

Mia and Juanma began to sing, the rest of the guests joined in and Dani laughed. Mia had the feeling to have briefly seen tears in his eyes, but since he looked away, she wasn't sure.

The next song started right after that and the guests started dancing. They  let themself be carried away by the music. At Ya no mas there were almost only couples on the dance floor and most of the guests say the chorus after the second time. "So it was you, I already heard the song on the radio," said one of the divers.

Mia and Juanma received great applause and an encore was requested. Dani took the Mic and said "First of all, thank you very much to all of you here for coming to my birthday, and to both of you " he looked at Juanma and Mia "for singing for me. We'll give them a break now and if you like " he looked at both of them again " you will sing again later "

He hugged both of them once and said" it was sensational. thank you "

Go live your way part 3Where stories live. Discover now