Ohne Titel Teil157

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Mia went to see Ramiro the next morning before breakfast. She had noticed that Alvaro was a little tense and hoped to learn something about the course of the evening.

Ramiro's office was empty and she turned to leave the secretariat when she suddenly heard "Good morning my darling".

She spun around and saw Ramiro coming out of Mercedes' office. "Good morning dad," she said and walked over to him. "Did you want to see me" he asked and said straight away "Stupid question, I saw you standing at my door, come in"

He went to his office after her and sat at the desk. Mia sat down too. " Everything OK with you?" asked he.

"yes I ... we know that you talked to Mercedes yesterday. And ... Alvaro is worried"

Ramiro almost had to suppress a smile, considering the fact that Mia cared so much about Alvaro on the other hand, the conversation had gone as bad  as expected. He considered briefly what to say to Mia.

Mia tossed back and forth on the chair a little uneasily when Ramiro was silent longer than expected.

"Mia, what can I tell you. You know Mercedes and she has to get used to the situation first. And of course it tears open again on her wounds too."

The memory that Merceds hadn't said anything at first but had only stared into her glass emerged before his eyes. He had put his hand on hers ud tried to attract her attention, but she had pulled her hand away and without a word got up and went to the toilets.

He rubbed his eyes briefly and looked at Mia. "She has to ... let that sink ... there is a lot to be clarified ..." he sank back into his thoughts. Mercedes had come back after what seemed like an endless time. She had sat down again and looked at him. Then she asked if he was serious about throwing everything they had built together for someone who had lied to him about his daughter. That she had directed her life towards him and that he was now abandoning her.

"Papa" he heard Mia's voice

"yes honey sorry" said Ramiro. "As for Alvaro. I asked her to process everything first and to talk to me about it and to leave Lupe and Alvaro out for the time being. I don't know, however, whether she will do that." He took a deep breath.

Mia had meanwhile walked around the desk and put her hand on Ramiro's shoulder. He brushed his hand on hers and smiled at her. "That'll be all ok ," he said. "Unfortunately, such conversations are never easy. "

Mia nodded. She felt as if Ramiro hadn't told her everything. But she didn't want to rush him either. Ramiro's cell phone rang and Mia saw that it was Javier. Ramiro declined the call and turned the phone over.

"I have to go to my class now," said Mia. "I'll just come back later." She smiled at him and gave him a quick hug. He watched her go for a while. As intense as his feelings for Isabel were, he couldn't help the fact that he missed Mariana very much right now. He looked at the glass ballerina and decided to call Javier.

Javier answered quickly "Sorry" said Ramiro, "Mia was just here"

"Everything is fine" said Javier "what can I do for you you left me a message"

Ramiro told Javier about the night before. He hadn't told Mia that Mercedes wanted to obtain an order that forbade Ramiro to see Lupe and Alvaro. He had been able to reassure her at the end of the conversation, but he wasn't sure to what extent she would carry out this threat.

"She already called me," Javier replied calmly. "She used all the time on the mailbox to explain to me that my children were not in good hands with you. We both know, of course, that this is not the case. I  haven't called back yet. "

"She is not in the office today, we agreed that yesterday."

"Is she at home?"

"I suppose"

"Well then I'll drive over later."

"Thanks Javier. I don't even know how I can ever make it up to you."

"Don't worry," Ramiro heard a smile in Javier's voice and took a deep breath.

Mia had returned to the others with mixed feelings. They ran out of time to talk before class started.

During the break, Mia said to Alvaro, Juanma and Zoe, "I spoke to Ramiro about yesterday. He says Mercedes has to let it all down first. We shouldn't worry. I got the impression that the conversation was very emotional."

She took Alvaro in her arms. Juanma put his hand on Alvaro's shoulder and said, "Come on, captain, she knew this was going to come. She knew about Isabel and I think she will come to terms with it. My mother will be there for her too."

Alvaro nodded and smiled at Juanma. "Thank you," he said. He couldn't reasonably explain what worried him so much. He had been aware that it would throw his mother completely off course again.

Go live your way part 3Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora