Ohne Titel Teil76

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The next morning, Ramiro went to Mercedes. "Good morning, do you have a minute?"

"Good morning, what is it about?"

"About Laura."

"What about her?" asked Mercedes.

"Well, I know she's new. But she seems to be having contact problems with the others."

"Yes, she needs a little, Ilaria had told me. She left everything behind, including her boyfriend. But she'll get used to it," said Mercedes.

"Ok, but please familiarize her with the school rules again. We'll see how it goes in the next few days."

The school day passed without incident. Laura continued to secrete. Silvia had tried again to approach her. because she herself hasn't been there that long. But she too no had sucess.

Mia and Juanma had arranged to meet in the Go that afternoon. Alvaro still had a bit to learn and Simon had kidnapped Zoe for an ice cream. Laura watched Juanma and Mia through the window. When Mia briefly left the Go to get water, she went inside.

Juanma had done a few exercises and hadn't noticed her presence. That's why he was shocked when she said suddenly from behind him "Hello, you are Juanma, right?" He looked at her briefly. " Yes"

"How many girlfriends did you have here at school? Lupe? Zoe? Who else?"

Juanma glanced at her again. " Nobody else."

"Well, it was worth a try," said Laura and gave him a Schlemish grin. She rubbed his shoulder briefly and sat down on one of the beanbags. She had seen Mia come back.

"Hello Laura," Mia said and looked at Laura a bit puzzled. Juanma started the music and they got into position. When the song ended said Laura "What are you practicing?"

"We're going to have a gig soon and have to go through a few songs and practice."

"a gig?"

Mia told her about the contract with Charlie Martin and Laura said, "Is he coming back here? He hasn't seen me yet."

Juanma glanced at Mia and rolled his eyes. Nobody had noticed Lupe and Agos standing in the door -

"Then you sing with Juanma," said Lupe and pushed Laura over to him. "No Lupe, we have to  go through that," said Mia.

"Come on " said Lupe and winked at Mia. "take ya no mas," she added.

"No way," said Juanma. "Not this song."

"Ok, then pick another one," said Lupe and sat down.

He took the stick and played a song. To Mia he said "the third one" and Mia gave Laura a piece of paper with the text. "You take the lines where my name appears."

Laura moved very close to Juanma, he could almost feel the warmth radiating from her body. Mia had to admit she wasn't doing badly.

When the song was over, Juanma said "So now Mia and I have to go on." He turned his back on Laura.

Mia turned on the next song. She took Juanma's hand and they took their starting position. Laura watched for a moment, but when Lupe and Agos said goodbye, she left a short time later.

When Mia and Juanma were taking a break, Alvaro and Zoe came with Simon. Mia said that Laura was there and danced with Juanma. Zoe's eyes narrowed. "It was just because Lupe wanted to show her off. She thought she couldn't do it," Mia said. "And I've never heard JUanma sing with so much dislike," she added with a laugh. Alvaro had to laugh too and patted Juanma on the shoulder.

Juanma took Zoe's hand and she relaxed again. "I'm not interested in Barbies," he said quietly to her.

"You noticed that, though," said Mia.

Alvaro said "We should go to dinner."

They took everything with them and set off. They found a table and Simon sat down with them. It didn't take long for Laura to say "May I sit down with you"

"The table is ..." Zoe started. Mia poked her in the side. "Yes, if we move closer together that should fit." Laura aimed for a gap between Alvaro and Juanma, but Alvaro slipped closer to Juanma. Mia slipped up and so Laura had no choice but to sit between Mia and Simon.

She sat down briefly and then looked at Sofie, Agos and Lupe. "I think there is more space over there." she said and got up again. "I would make up my mind before the food is cold." said Juanma with a wink.

Laura got up and went to Lupe. Lupe looked at her. "You can sit down. But we hate to be second choice, don't we girls?" said Lupe.

Laura sat in the empty seat at the table. "Sorry," she said-.

When Lupe walked past Mia's table after dinner, she said quietly, "Let's see if we can teach her a few manners."

Go live your way part 3Where stories live. Discover now