Ohne Titel Teil189

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The message that Dani and Toni had landed came on time when Mia and Alvaro stopped in front of the airport. They waited for them in the arrivals area. It wasn't long before Dani came through the door smiling.

He and Toni came up to them and took them tightly in our arms. "Thank you for picking us up. We're not here in the big city that often," laughed Toni.

He gave Alvaro the name of the hotel. where the two were staying for the next week. "The association pays for it all," laughed Dani.

It was a nice hotel, not that big and a bit out of the way. "Do you want to unpack a bit first, or do you want to go back to Ramiro immediately?" Asked Alvaro.

"Come up with us first, we'll see if the rooms keep what the hotel promises from the outside" laughed Dani and opened the door of the car for Mia after he got out of the car.

The two checked in and went to their room with Mia and Alvaro. It was nice. Simple, but still cozy and it even had a minibar. Mia sat down on a chair near the window and Dani and Toni put their luggage on the closet.

"Can you drive to this address with us?" asked Dani and looked at Alvaro. "I'll be giving the course from Monday, so I already know where that is," he added. Alvaro glanced at the invitation and said, "It's very close here, so we're quick from here.

They all got back in the car and Alvaro was right, they had just buckled up, they were already at the large swimming pool.

"It's actually closed," said Alvaro

"Yes, it will probably only be used for courses or training," said Toni. They went to see Ramiro. Alvaro had informed Ramiro that he would bring Dani and Toni directly with him.

Isabel took the two of them in her arms and Ramiro gave them a friendly smile. "Nice that you managed to come back here again," he said.

The others were also all happy about the two. They only knew Roberto from Alvaro's birthday party.

Juanma and Alvaro put glasses and drinks on the table. "Princess, I heard you had competition" laughed Dani and looked at Lupe. At first Lupe didn't understand what he meant, but then understood, that Dani meant Laura and laughed too. "She is much worse than me," she said in a mock insulted tone. Zoe said "Oh yes, I can confirm that"

They told them a few things from school and Dani said to Toni "I wish we would  have to go to school again."

Isabel started preparing food and the girls helped her. Juanma had found a basketball game on TV and ran it on the side. Dani nudged Alvaro and said: "do you have a moment."

Alvaro smiled, nodded and pointed to the terrace. They both took a jacket and went outside.

"I just wanted to thank you again for finding out about Vicky and for discussing it all with Tony."

"Mia didn't let the story rest," said Alvaro.

"I'll tell the others too. But I wanted to tell you that it really meant a lot to me. We have a very good relationship, and I've met my daughter, too. Her name is Blanca and her second name is Daniela." Dani said while looking for a photo on his cell phone.He showe it to Alvaro

Alvaro whistled through his teeth. Vicky was a pretty woman, and the little daughter was no less cute. "She has your eyes," said Alvaro. Dani nodded.

"I didn't think I'd ... ever see her," he said.

Alvaro put his hand briefly on Dani's shoulder. "Mia said it was important for the little one, above all, to get to know her father. Because of the thing with her and Ramiro, I suppose. But we were also concerned that it would turn out differently and that old wounds would be torn open on you. "

"I loved Vicky more than anything in the world. But we had a tariff, we wanted a family, a house, and I wanted money for a down payment. I did a lot of extra shifts, dangerous dives that brought allowances. She always had Afraid that I won't come back. But I didn't take her fear seriously because I always thought ... "

"... nothing could happen to you." Alvaro completed the sentence and Dani nodded.

"When she was then scared, she was afraid to have to teach our child that dad is no longer there."

"But it wasn't much different now," said Alvaro thoughtfully.

"So far, Blanca hasn't thought much about it and has hardly asked any questions about me. But that might have changed at some point."

"Does she know that you ..." started Alvaro and Dani shook his head. He showed a picture of him with Blanca on his shoulders. Both laughed happily. "Vicky wanted to wait a little longer. We want to do everything slowly first and if it doesn't work, then it's better if she doesn't know. Not yet," said Dani.

"You make a depressed impression," stated Alvaro.

Dani smiled, but his eyes had darkened. "I'm scared. That I might lose her again."

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