I want to go home

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Landon's POV

Landon: "Welcome home."

Lachlan: "It isn't really home if I keep coming back now is it?"

I couldn't help but smile at him. Texas is like his second home. I don't get why he always came here. I mean granted he and Preston get along great. Almost better then anyone else but still. He always calls people Vikk. So why doesn't he head over there instead.

Landon: "Preston is outright now. But he should be back soon."

Lachlan: "Thanks for letting me in Landon. I've missed you man how have you been?"

Landon: "I've been doing alright I guess. Finished with school now so no more of that."

Lachlan: "Can finally focus on YouTube."

Landon: "That was the original plan."

He smiled at me as he lifted his bag and walked in. He was so tall and handsome and I honestly can't believe I've fallen for my cousin's best friend. He's beautiful.

Lachlan: "Do you know how long he will be? He knows I'm going to be here so I can't really prank him. Got any ideas mate?"

He winked at me and I could have sworn my heart skipped a beat. But surely he is just creating banter. And I would listen to him any day. I've been watching him for a while but it was only when he started to come over semi regularly that I had to watch him more. It was almost an addiction to him. His voice resonating regularly through my ear phones. Just. I got so upset when he wouldn't upload and I think he would get annoyed when I would message him. Asking if he was ok if he didn't. But to make it seem less biased I did that to Preston and Kenny as well.They didn't seem to mind.

Landon: "Honestly you could just lay in his bed and get comfortable I guess."

Lachlan: "Idiot why didn't I think of that?"

He slapped his fore head.Causing me to giggle a little bit.

Landon: "Do you want a drink or something?"

Lachlan: "Oh yeah thanks. Let me just put my bags in his office and I'll come out."

Landon: "Sure."

I watched as he walked away. Grabbing his bags as he went. He was gorgeous in every way. His blonde hair. His blue eyes. He was just perfection.

Landon: "Coffee?"

Lachlan: "Always."

We half screamed to each other. It was funny but it got the job done. I started making our drinks before I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out noticing Preston was calling me.

Preston: "Sup Landon.Did Lachlan arrive?"

Landon: "Yeah he just got here. Fixing up some coffee for us both now."

Preston: "Ah I'm so excited to see him again. I don't get to see the Pack all that often.Hey I don't mean to be a pain but I'm literally around the corner.Can you grab another mug for me thanks?"

Landon: "Yeah sure. By the time you park it should be just about ready."

Preston: "Awesome.Thanks Landon. See you soon."

Landon: "See ya."

I ended the call and put my phone back into my pocket. He seemed really excited to see Lachlan but it's understandable. Even though he does come over here. It's usually months apart.

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