He's My Chill

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Alright guys so it has been decided that He's My Chill is the One shot that will be the new extended book.

As a reminder this was a book that had Lachlan talking to the Pack boys about what they are to each other. Before they hear Keiran, Lachlan's boyfriend, in the back ground. This story has been chosen as the next book but of course. I'm changing something to go with my own thoughts.

If you haven't guessed so far, each book I have written is in conjunction with one of the boys from either group

It's all in the past - Lachlan
Expectations - Jay
Magus Verbosa - Preston
Jumping Ship - Harry
Bullied - Josh
Threats Of The Past - Simon
The Silence Is Deafening - Jerome

And now we can add He's My Chill to the list but I'm changing two things.

1. Instead of it being the Pack I will be making it a Sidemen Fic with JJ as the main character. The pack will still be apart of it as friends and will appear but it won't be the main focus.

2. I am going to randomly add in the two characters that you guys have decided upon and you won't know who it is until they appear. More than likely in the first three chapters. So stick around for that.

But yeah I hope you guys enjoy the new book, it's funny I pulled that one out because out of the others in the hat it was one of the least desirable ones to write about. (gynger requested Panic attack which is an EARLY one shot and I was like yes. Or He told me but eh this is what I grabbed.)

First chapter will be up later and be sure to be ready. I will update another here when it's up so you guys knew when it's prepared. Remember I won't be telling you which original characters will be in it.

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