Who's Getting Who's Number (Smut)

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(Ok just before we get into this I just wanted to say I'm sorry that I haven't done many one shots lately over the past week but I've started to pick up on them. Ive been streaming till later recently and have since become obsessed with my Jerome FF Book which I really think you should check it out, I am also in the process of writing an original book so again I apologize for not having done many one shots lately but I will be getting back on the grind. Promise.)

Lachlan's POV

Lachlan: "Why don't you talk to me anymore? It's like I've done something huge and it's really upset you, but you won't tell me what it is. In fact you stopped talking to me for the last couple of days that you were staying here, and since then it's like you have completely abandoned me and refused to talk to me. Was it something I did? Something I said or was it something I missed? Something I didn't do? Please Rob talk to me, I miss having my best friend."

Rob: "That's all I ever was to you Lachlan, I was just your best friend. I wanted to tell you about how I wanted so much more, but I couldn't do it. I'm sorry Lachlan but can you please not message me for a little while. Do some solo stuff for a change, I can't... I just can't talk to you about this. I'm sorry."

As Rob ended the call, I couldn't help but feel a little bit betrayed and hurt. He liked me, but, he he never said anything. I never said anything to him, if I had known I would have been honest but now, the past month since he left I've just felt nothing but demoralized. As if I was nothing to him. I scrolled through my Skype contacts and found the person I needed t lack to.

Lachlan: "Jay can we please talk about something? I really need some advice."

Jay: "Sorry I'm a little bit busy right now do you want to head out for lunch before I start work?"

Lachlan: "Yeah sure, will Daniel be with you?"

Jay: "Yeah he is feeling a bit under the weather right now but maybe it's because he hasn't eaten since breakfast yesterday."

Lachlan: "Fuck, ok well you get Daniel to some food and just message me where your at. You know I wouldn't normally bother you with this but I need someone to talk to."

Jay: "It's fine mate we all need a break sometime. Hmm I'm currently staying at Daniels place in Ipswich, you remember Ben's?"

Lachlan: "Yeah I remember, What time?"

Jay: "About 1 sound good?"

Lachlan: "Cheers mate, talk to you later then."

I stood up from my desk and walked into my room. Grabbing a grey shirt with a blue collar as well as a pair of black shorts, something I wouldn't normally wear on camera but that just made me that little bit less recognizable. Some days K love it when people come up and ask me for a photo. Other days it just makes me want to be sick. I walked over to the closet and grabbed a towel before walking into my shower. Making sure it was warm before stripping down. I stopped to look at myself in the mirror, I was toned but Iwasn't muscled. I don't have the abs or the outlines that Mitch had, I was more just flat like Vik. I sighed deeply to myself, wondering if I could ever be good enough for a guy before hopping in getting clean.

Time Skip

After having driven the 45 minute drive to Ipswich, I finally found a spot in the Coles Car park across the road, I locked the car after hopping out and made my way down the stairs and across the busy street to meet up with Jay and his boyfriend. I wasn't a big fan of Daniel at first but he slowly grew on me.

Daniel: "Hey sorry Lachlan I'm sure you two just wanted to chat alone. Let me know what you want and drinks and I'll go grab it for us so you can still talk to him."

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