Nurse Preston

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Natalia's POV

I hadn't been feeling well all day today. Which sucked because I still had Maths to go... Haha yeah nah I would do anything to get out of that.

Landon: "Hey are you feeling ok?"

Natalia: "Not really. I haven't been feeling well all day today."

Landon: "Is it..?"

Natalia: "First of all.Fuck you Landon. But no it's not. I can't go home though I need to finish school. You know what my parents are like about my education."

Landon: "Well. You can't stay here. You look like your about to throw up. And I don't know about you. But I just ironed this shirt this morning."

Not going to lie the thought of Landon standing without his shirt while ironing. Kind of a turn on for some woman. Mainly because a man is doing house work. The fuck is wrong with me?

Natalia: "Well then what am I going to do? I can't leave. And we both have Maths last period."

I felt my stomach starting to growl before feeling like I was going to throw up.

Landon: "Ok look you know the office that I work at on videos?"

Natalia: "Yeah you have taken me before while Preston was in Canada with the Pack."

Landon: "Well he is home. And you know the place. You can just message your parents saying your going to go there with me after school anyway to work on an assignment? It wouldn't be half lying because we do have to finish off that science bullshit."

Natalia: "How am I going to get there?"

Landon: "Leave that tome ok?"

I trust you Landon. But at the same time. I know how much of a sneaky bastard you can be.

Natalia: "Alright. Fine.I need to go to the toilet anyway."

I walked off from where we were seated and having our lunch and made my way towards the girls bathroom. After finishing my business. I was about to walk out when I got hit with a cold sweat. My body was warm but the sweat was ice cold. I felt my stomach about to give up before I turned around and leaned over the toilet bowl. Projecting into it. I could hear someone behind me but I didn't know who it was.

????: "Hey you can't be here."

Landon: "My eyes are closed. I'm just helping my friend who is really sick. I'm sorry if you are offended by me being helpful. Now fuck off."

I finally stopped and just looked up. Landon handed me a piece of toilet paper and I wiped my mouth with it. I grabbed a water bottle from my bag and took a swig.Swishing it around in my mouth before spitting back into the bowl and flushing. The horrible taste was still in my mouth but I'm sure I can find a way to get rid of that later.

Landon: "I called Preston and he is on his way. He should be here in ten minutes. Come on I'll help you up to the office."

Natalia: "Thanks."

As we stepped out of the bathroom. I watched a girl talking to a teacher but he didn't seem to phased. Landon took me up to the office and spoke to them about what was going on. They never liked it that students would go over their head to contact the outside but we didn't really have a choice. The school board and teachers do fucking nothing to help us when we are actually in trouble. So fuck them.

Landon: "You just wait here. Preston will be able to help you out ok?"

Natalia: "Does he even know what I look like?"

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