Never Alone Anymore

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(GET READY FOR THE FUCKING FEELS TRAIN. No seriously please pack some tissues because I am literally in tears after writing this. I have never cried so hard before while writing something and I really hope you guys like this. I just realised there may be a lot of errors and I'm sorry but I was too busy being emotional to correct them.)

Harry's POV

I remember the day clearly, the day that spurred my love for machines and AI into motion. The boys are still talking to me but after I gave up YouTube, they had less and less to do with me. I don't blame them to be honest, they wouldn't understand. I've spent years of my life creating this little robot. The one Robot that would be able to do the impossible. I wanted to create a robot with a soul. Though for the life of me, I'm not sure how to. I've spent years toying around with it's circuitry, increasing and decreasing it's Intellect woe playing around with it's functions. That was until I half gave up and decided to go with a simple yet practical small storage unit. I created the machine with AI to the point where it could learn new things while listening to conversations around him, yet he would never be able to achieve total sentience and that bothered me. I've spent years working on this. And yet now here I was, trapped in this room with next to no way out.

Vik: "Why did I agree to this?"

Harry: "Because you love me, and you knew I was on to something big."

Vik: "I'm a Youtuber Harry, you know that thing that you use to do before you threw it all away for a fucking machine."


Vik: "He can't fucking hear us you dick head."

Harry: "But he can go and get fuel for himself and clean himself up, I made it so when he reached a certain level of filth, he would seek out water and dip a small rag I had placed in his storage compartment to use to clean himself. He can also forage for oil to protect himself and keep himself running."


Harry: "He's not just a robot Vik."

I looked my lover in the eyes as I felt the tears starting to fall. My poor Vik, I dragged you along because I needed the help and now... Now we were going to die. And it was all my fault.

Harry: "Vik he isn't just a robot, he was my pride and joy. I had created him to the point of perfection, you know that. We could have mass produced more of them, smaller and more convenient sizes of him so everyone would be happy and it would be easier to live for some people. He would eventually be able to help with human tasks, Vik I was on to something brilliant and world changing, and yet I dragged you into this because I knew I would need the help. I'm so sorry for what I've done, I never would have brought you with me if I knew this would happen. Vik please I'm so sorry."

I looked up at him and I knew he was angry with me. I loved m more than anything, more than my robot, more than my own life. I wanted nothing more than to keep him safe... And now here we are. I guess I'm really good at keeping my loved ones safe huh.

Vik: "What did you call him?"

Harry: "Huh?"

Vik: "What did you call your friend? Your robot friend with no concept of self awareness, he is still an AI controlled robot who is just remembering certain codes you have placed into him. What did you call him?"

Harry: "I uh. I named him Vari. I know you like the name and if we adopted a little girl you would have wanted to name her, I thought about everything that happened. And so I wrote in a code to where it would remember it's name. And if anyone asked for it's name than he would know."

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