I got tagged again

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Ok I don't know whether the questions are discerning or not so I'll type them here as well just in case.

1. Nickname


3. Hair colour (LOOK AT THAT ANOTHER U)

4. One fact about you (A DIFFERENT KIND OF U)

I'm sorry I'll stop

5. Favourite Colour

6. Favourite Place

7. Favourite Celebrity

8. Favourite animal

9. Favourite Song

10. Favourite Book

And then there is the whole tag so many people but I'll do who I know and would be curious to find out more from.

So Let's start from the top.

1. Nickname of Micky

2. Eye colour of Hazel

3. Hair colour is uh... Ummm. Balding... Literally I'm 20 and I have really thin hair on the top and front but thick curly hair on the back and sides... but like dark brown I think fucked if I know.

4. One fact is I can sing and yet never taken a singing lesson in my life. I could have pissed off Liz and put my stream link ---> Here but nah.

Twitch.tv/Mickyj789 <----- I'll put it here instead.

5. Purple

6. Home. Outside of the house probably Jambaroo... It's a water park place in Wollongong I go to with friends sometimes. It's a tonne of fun.

7. Celebrity. Fuck well youtubers are social media celebrities so that counts right? Woofless. But actual celebrities? I dunno. I do have a massive celeb crush on Freddie Highmore does that count?

8. My dog snoop... Or pandas. I want one so bad.

9. Rise Up by Andra Day. Literally life saving.

10. OK MOTHER FUCKERS I HAVE A LIBRARY TO GO THROUGH. Book Four in the Elementals series by Brigid Kemmerer called Secret. It's the first book I've ever read and the ONLY Published book I've ever read that has made the main protagonist be a gay man. And It just brought me to tears and it is beautiful and the whole series is just incredible.

Tagging time. Though only tagging those I actually read or talk to so.



Yeah not going to lie between streaming, Writing and normal day to day life. I only follow the books of these three lovely ladies.

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