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(So before we start I would like to give a big congrats on Keira for guessing what the previous story was about with Josh.

Basically what happened is Josh and Lachlan ended up in an accident, whether they were attacks or in a crash I don't know. But essentially the darkness was a metaphor for the anesthetic taking over his body, he's trying to lock himself away and get away from it, he cuts on his body and the "glass" moving through him is the anesthesia taking effect as it numbs his body, or at least it's supposed to. The walls decaying and the cracks and shatters is his mind losing control of his conscious thought as he falls under. His body being sliced and opened up, his bone breaking etc doctors getting to his heart and his parts which had become damaged and bruised. Then when everything just stops out of no where, he is under the effect of the anesthesia completely. He can't feel anything or see anything, it's just darkness as his physical body is out cold but his mind is still awake. The cracking he hears is him trying to escape the darkness and get back to himself. Listening to Lachlan cry, telling him how much he loves him is making it easier for him to be pulled back to reality. Until eventually his mind starts to win, the room starting to illuminate itself as he wakes up.

That is the short and to the point explanation I had given to a friend of mine and so I thought why not just post it here. I am gad you guys enjoyed the cryptic one shot. I might write some more down the track but congrats to you Keira for being the first to guess it through my DM's. and before you say it wasn't a comment I had her read the story and she guessed that Josh was going through surgery but was awake during it whilst high off of the drugs they were giving him. Which means she was basically right. So please enjoy Keira and Simon.)

Simon's POV

Josh: "Simon what the hell is wrong with you?"

Vik: "Mate you know I try to be the voice of reason but this time you fucked up."

Harry: "Michael won't return my calls. What the fuck did you do to her?"

Simon: "I don't know ok. I don't know what I was thinking, I don't know what I was doing, it just came out and I don't want to lose her."

JJ: "Well then you need to step the fuck up and talk to her. Alone preferably. Make her feel loved because after pulling a stunt like that, your in trouble."

Simon: "I didn't even fucking kiss her, I was only talking to the poor girl because she was upset, she had been separated from her brother and I just wanted to comfort her before we went looking. We found Him, he thanked me, all done. But no, someone took pics, someone spread lies. And now I'm going to fucking lose her because I couldn't just say the truth out right."

Harry: "Well then whatever you did is causing my boyfriend not to reply to me either."

Josh: "I doubt the two reasons are connected."

Vik: "$5 Michael and Soph are with her."

Simon: "Your right, I know they are. And with them being such close friends to her, and with those two dating, I doubt they would let me talk. Even if I did say something she wouldn't believe me."

We heard the front door open and close. I know Ethan was in his way but I don't think it took him this long.

Michael: "Hello?"

Harry: "MICHAEL! I was worried about you, is Keira ok? Please tell me she is ok?"

Michael: "Harry you don't need to worry about me. But Keira is fine, she is just, upset I guess. She is waiting outside, I just came to grab something that I had left here and also drop off your key Harry."

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