Dinner Perhaps?

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Mitch's POV

Lachlan: "Guys Over here."

After Rob and I finally landed in Sydney, I was relieved to say the least. That trip was fucking insane, and poor Rob had to sit next to some older lady who was not very happy about us both on our computers and tablets editing. Well I was talking to people as well but we needed to edit so we could upload when we landed.

Rob: "Hey Lachy, God damn it feels so good to see you."

Lachlan: "Was the trip that bad? Damn it Mitch I said to go easy on him."

Mitch: "It's not my fault Jerome couldn't make it. I'm going to annoy the next person I can."

The boys knew I was Bi. Though I never really opened up about leaning more towards the guys than the girls. I was with this one girl Jess for I'd say about a year before we decided that it just wasn't working out. We spoke about how we felt and she told me that she felt like she was never as connected as we were when we started dating, I told her about my feelings towards men more so than women and at first she was angry. She went off her brain at me but after a week she had apologised and wanted to talk more. We are still friends but I guess people handle it in different ways.

Rob: "It's not my fault your all alone."

Lachlan: "Naw come here Mitch I'll love you."

Mitch: "Nah I'm good. I'm not about dating someone taller than I am."

Lachlan: "Aw that hurt."

Rob: "Speaking of dating someone taller, how's your girlfriend?"

Lachlan: "She is really well actually. I felt bad that I couldn't bring her along but I mean we are mainly doing business stuff so I guess we couldn't do much about it."

Rob: "You still could have brought her with you. You could just stay in bed together."

Mitch: "We both know what Lachlan is like, I doubt we would get any sleep."

Lachlan: "OI!"

We both laughed at him in turn as we finally started heading down into the basement. It reminded me of the tube in Britain.

Lachlan: "Come on we need to head to Darling harbour, easiest way is to get off at Circular Quey and just walk around. And you guys can meet some fans as well."

Rob: "And some of your own as well."

Mitch: "I have fans here?"

Lachlan: "Of course you do. Come on train will be here in 20 minutes."

Rob: "20 Minutes are you kidding?"

Lachlan: "Well we just missed one but yeah the trains here are pretty shit. Come on guys."

I followed the boys as I rolled my luggage behind me, I was only here for two weeks but it was better than nothing right?

Lachlan: "Hi"

I almost ran into the poor people in front of us as I hadn't realised that Lachlan had been stopped.

Lachlan: "Oh shit do you guys. Have any Aussie currency yet?"

Mitch: "Not yet."

Lachlan: "Alright well I'll have to get you tickets for the train then."

Rob: "If we find a place to exchange money over I'll shout dinner."

Mitch: "Looks like I have tomorrow covered then."

Lachlan: "Come on then, I'll get your tickets and then head through. We are on the left side here."

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