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Alright ladies and gentlemen... Hahaha. I think I'm the only guy who is actually on this website.

I want you to tell me what ships you like. And who you want to see a story about. I have a lot of fun writing my own and I do have one already half done.

(I have no life.)

But writing for myself get's a bit annoying sometimes. I'm always trying to make couples happen and it's kind of funny imagining Rob having sex with the whole pack (Vikk cums soon... Get it. I'm so funny Ten points to Ravenclaw.)

But you guys should tell me who you want. I want to write more for you guys reading this because WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED IN THE PAST WEEK THESE ONE SHOTS HAVE GROWN HUNDREDS OF READS! LEGIT LIKE WHAT THE HELL! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

I won't lie I get a little emotional when I just see people pressing the bloody star. Stuff gaming or singing I'm writing for the rest of my life. I promise I won't make any puns... Ok I won't be able to keep that promise but I'll try. Maybe.

But no all in all thank you all so much for pressing or clicking on that little star and even leaving little comments whether you like It or not. What you did and didn't like. I love it so much and when your from Australia. Trust me we don't get much.Hence why I'm always up at like. 3 or 5 am writing. Are there any other Aussies let me know aside from TBNRKatniss. I know your like an hour from me. BUT I'M STILL LONELY!

I'm going to stop now. I'm sorry. Let me know what ship you like. It doesn't have to be exclusive to Pack or Sidemen. I'm not use to the imagines thing so I would love to give that a try if you want to see that.

If you want to see more I have a few books already completed. Book one and two of the SidePack with my Youtube group with my friends. Magus Verbosa with the SidePack. I only started writing in February of this year like. I'm 19 years old. I have no life.

Thank you all so much and I'm going to go make French toast because It's almost 11 pm and I'm hungry.

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