Awakening 「Kari」

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The blaring sirens in the distance woke me from my slumber as I gripped the concrete beneath me. My head hurt like hell, but my panic was overpowering it. I didn't know where I was, and I could barely see shit, but I attempted to lean against the railing close by which was a success.

"Holy shit." I mumbled, my vision clearing enough for me to focus on the car. It look like we had mainly just rammed into the back of the vehicle in front of us, but the damage was insane for such a small wreck. Most of the hood was forced back and scrunched into waves, and the windshield had broken a bit, probably where I came from. I wasn't worrying about my mom that much, seeing that there didn't appear to be any blood on the driver side, and most of the indentions were on my side. I wasn't hurting too much myself, just a few bruises and scratches probably, but I still didn't know about the driver of the other vehicle. I hadn't seen anyone else yet, so I assumed they'd either stayed in their car or call the cops.

"Moooooom!" I yelled, pushing myself up from the railing. I wobbled a bit, regaining my balance as I began to walk towards the disaster. "Where are you?!"

There was no response, sadly, so I decided to check around the car. I could hear steady breathing from the other side, enlightening my stressed state. She was slumped against the car, her face scrunched from frustration as she yelled into her phone.

"You guys just need to do your fucking job and get here! It's not that hard, damnit!" I snickered at her seriousness and the tone of her voice, but I was quickly discovered.

"Oh. My. God." She muttered, her eyes watering up obviously. I smiled sheepishly, tasting a bit of blood from my cheek, but ignoring it. "Come here, baby."

She pulled me into a rough, sloppy hug, but I enjoyed it either way, nudging myself into her.

"I was so worried." She sniffled, hiccuping. "I didn't want to lose you."

"I don't think I would've died..." I sighed, chuckling. "It wasn't that bad."

"You flew out the window, so I'm pretty sure you would have."

"I'm not a walking porcupine over here, am I? I think I'm okay."

"Whatever." She grinned, sliding her hands onto my shoulders. "Just let me get these idiotic cops here and we'll get home."

"But Skie needs clothes..."

"Oh, right. Priorities."


[A/N]: this chapter was kinda sad but cute. at least you get to discover the relationship between Kari and her mom :] hehe. Sorry for any mistakes also x3

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