Shock 「Kari」

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I clenched my hand into a fist and pulled on my own pants as the principal yelled for Alex to halt her explanation. She had already burst into tears as he was patting her back to calm her.

I didn't know much myself, but I couldn't understand how they were buying this story of hers. We were the ones with bruises and cuts while she barely had a scratch! I was getting a headache by now, having to listen to her sobs and whining. She had done the most, if all, of the damage that had been dealt to all of us. Her story was incredibly bad. She was trying to get it to look like I was the one doing the damage when the teacher witnessed her beating me up!

"Miss Overstreet?"

"Ah-h, yes sir?"

"So you agree with this explanation or would you like to add something?"

My heart sank. Should I risk letting the tables turn, or should I let it go and hope Skie can help me out of this.


Skie was having a rough enough time already, seeing what I had put her through. I was certain that the latter option would be my last.

"Sir-" I started. "I would like to tell the story, yes, but may I start at the beginning, similar to how Alex did?"

"Sure Miss, go right ahead." He smiled. He acted like this was fine, when really, I was shaking on the inside. I had never been the best at convincing others, so I began to doubt my abilities.

I sighed heavily, attempting to steady my shaking body, and opened my mouth.

"I was walking down the hall-" I started. "A-and I was left alone after Skie went with Alex..."

I was trying hard not to sound weak, but it was extremely hard.

"And I heard screaming-" the memories were coming back now.

"And- I ran-" my heart ached. It hurt to remember seeing Alex on Skie.

"I ran as fast as I could- when I heard Skie's voice-"

I swallowed in an attempt to keep my gag reflex from kicking in. I wasn't going to cry like Alex, but it hurt.

"I saw Alex on top of Skie and-" I noticed Skie and her mom's eyes open wide, as if they doubted me. Their states pressured me, but I fought on.

I couldn't let Alex get Skie.

"I tried to help Skie-" I swallowed again.

"And, when I tried to hold Alex back, she turned on me and beat me up-"

"You punched me, you bitch!" Alex yelled. "What am I supposed to do?!"

All eyes were thrown toward Alex as she realized what she had said.

"Please do not use that language." The principal said sternly.

"Sawwie." Alex mumbled.

"...but it seems you agree with Oversteet's story more than your own, correct?"

Her face became flustered, bright red, as she realized what she had done.

"N-no-" she rushed out. "It's just-"

"I think we have enough information for now, girls." He smiled. "Go on to class and we can meet again after school to come to a final conclusion."


A/N: this chap was a bit longer than usual, but did I do good? It's kinda a lengthy scene but I tried to make it short.

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