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The mentioning of his name caused my heart to cease its rhythm for a fraction of a second. I hadn't been thinking about him since we'd left the plane, but now I couldn't stop myself from being stabbed with guilt all at once.

"Eh..." Skie hesitated, her breathing noticeably ragged. "Just ignore it. He isn't a bitc- I mean, he isn't somebody I want to talk to right now."

She coughed nervously as she concluded her statement, clearing her throat in the process.

"Alright." Alex sighed, the thumping of her fingertip on the screen continuing soon afterwards.

I bit my lip out of frustration as the sound rang in my ears. I couldn't push Skie's reaction from my mind, her voice echoing within my thoughts. She seemed like she cared about me and my feeling from her response, but the uneasiness in her tone caused me to doubt her words. I knew for a fact that she hated Preston, and I partly did as well, but he was only a bad guy because of his inability to understand and accept things. He only thought Skie was disgusting because he didn't understand that she didn't want Alex to kiss her, at least from her reaction. He took things as he saw them and refused to think differently about them, causing me to be in a war between two candidates. I could either choose to be on his side, reducing my contact that I had with Skie, or I could do the opposite, reducing my contact with him and getting closer to Skie, which seemed easier to complete, although it would ruin the whole mini "control war" I've been having with myself. I don't want to get too close to her before I truly know that I love her for who she is, although my actions may say otherwise. I don't want to break her heart or hurt her feelings more than I need to. My sudden appearance into her everyday life was enough for right now, and I didn't know how long I'd be able to keep her included in mine. She had confessed to me the day we met, and sure, it felt amazing to kiss her for the first time, but I didn't want us to just do all of this for fun. I wanted a purpose behind it, a reason to look forward to living the next day, but I knew for a fact that I wasn't ready to have to tell my family all about this. I wasn't entirely sure myself, to be honest, and I didn't want to just waltz in there saying something like "Hey Mom, sorry, but I'm gay! Well, maybe. Close enough!". I wanted to be confident and accepting of my feelings before I did anything.

I would tell her tonight, with no regrets.

And whether it'd be lying or not,

I'll tell her I love her.


[A/N]: oki oki, hai hai! Sorry that this chap is dramatic and cliff-hanger-y and such. What do you think Preston said? Will Kari be able to be all like I LOVE CHU BUDDY? Will we ever know? Is cheese a vegetable? These mysteries will never be solved, will they? Or possibly they will? Why so many questions? Also, if you pray and whatever, pray for my doggie plz. He got attacked and is really worn out right now and has been bleeding quite a bit. So.... yeah. anyway, to leave on a happy note, FREE DONUTS IF YOU GUESS THE COLOR OF MY SHIRT RIGHT NOW! Haha :3 virtual donuts, of course. Okay, now then, cya next chap!

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