Daring 「Skie」

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The plane ride seemed to last for hours, watching Kari sleep soundly next to me during most of the trip. I resisted the temptation of waking her up, savoring the cuteness of her relaxing state.

I sighed, jerking my phone from my coat pocket and checking my notifications.

One new friend request.

I rolled my eyes, unlocking my phone and opening the Facebook app to reject the proposal, nearing the red icon. The name that appeared next to it made my mood swing south, reminding me of my hatred for him.

Preston Ingram

I nudged Kari, waking her up and pointing to his notification.

"Hmm?" She moaned, her eyes fluttering open and adjusting to the light.

"What do you want me to do about this." I spat rudely, unintentionally startling her.

"Who?" She mumbled.


She averted her gaze, looking down to the arm rest and clutching it tightly.

"See what he wants." She breathed, her knuckles whitening. "You can delete him afterwards."

I gulped, tapping the "accept" icon next to his name, and almost instantly receiving a message in return.

Preston: Hey!

Skie: hi.

Preston: Sup?

I sighed, debating on whether or not I should treat him nicely.

Skie: not much. what do u need?

Our conversation was halted abruptly as I slammed my phone into my lap, hiding it from the passing flight attendant. She glanced over at me, forcing me to smile innocently.

"Make sure not to use any communication services up here." She grinned. "Wouldn't want to get the plane down."

"Yeah- sorry." I stuttered, looking back to my lap and waiting for her to leave.

I received a giggle from Kari who rammed me in the elbow, causing me to flinch.

"Good job." She teased.


I exhaled, gripping my phone and finally lifting it up to view his response.

Preston: Do you think I could talk to Kari for a minute?

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