What have I gotten myself into?! 「Kari」

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***This story is written in multiple pov's, so the character involved will be in the title. Thx ^~^***

"Are... you okay?" An older woman squatted down in front of me with a worrisome expression painted across her pale face. I wasn't fully awakened from my restless sleep and drowsiness was certainly in control. "H-haiii...." I moaned, wondering why someone would be talking to me in the middle of the alley, with me sitting in a water-damaged cardboard packaging container. I tilted my head to one side unknowingly. "Wha do chu wannnt...?" I wanted to laugh my arse off. My speech was so stupid and childish, yet I lacked the energy to hold normal conversation. I had been dosing off and on here for hours, and I could hear grumbling from the pit of my stomach every now and then. "Eh... Umm... D-do you have anywhere to stay? I mean, it saddens me to see a young teenager out here in these conditions. I-I-It wouldn't have to be permanent, just a kind gesture." I realized by now that she had been crying. She seemed to be really emotional about this whole ordeal, and it made me feel horrible. I found myself unable to speak, resisting my temptation so not to break the atmosphere, and casually held up a thumbs up. I assumed she understood my message and would leave me alone so that I could rest again, but next thing I knew, she was tugging on my arm, trying to pull me up from the makeshift garbage I call home. "A-ah. N-nu. Ish oka-i.... really-ghhh...." I was too weak to resist and slowly lifted myself up and waddled behind her as she walked.

The next few minutes were quiet and incredibly awkward. We were out in the middle of the street, a rough looking kid dragging behind a speedy old woman, almost as if I was a runaway hoodlum. Moving this much made me so much tireder and caused me to lose my breath very quickly.

After a short while, we finally arrived at a nicer-looking apartment complex. I rolled slowly up the seemingly endless stairs until we finally arrived at a door painted with shades of colors I would rather not be involved with. I stood there in the moonlight as her shaking hands grasped the knob and worked to unlock the simplistically designed bolt. She successfully unlocked the door and swung it open to reveal a nicely furnished home decorated with seasonal items. I entered through the threshold and inspected my surroundings. It seemed normal enough until I locked eyes with a girl who seemed to be around my age. Our eyes were locked for over ten seconds until I finally decided to say something, which was the worst mistake of my life.

"Ehh... H-hallo...."

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