Sick 「Skie」

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I was a train wreck.
My emotions were jumbled.
Was it worth it?
Of course it wasn't, dumbass.
What would I get out of loving a girl?
Heartbreak and rejection.
I'm just young.
Young and incredibly stupid.

I needed to forget it all.
All my feelings for her.
Her name made my heart ache.
When I saw her, I wanted to do so many things with her.
To her.
Sick things.
That's what I was.

A disgusting freak.

I looked up at Kari, who was on my bed. She was trying so hard to fake being asleep. I attempted to tease her through my tears.
"You look so cute when you try too hard." I said playfully, sniffling afterwards.
"Skie, don't." She responded quietly.
Her words hurt me.
"I don't see why not." I replied. "I already screwed everything up. There's not going to be anything between us."
"Don't say stuff like that!" She yelled back, causing my tears to flow faster. She had already sat up by the time I was able to look back at her. She patted her hand on the bed. "Come here." She spoke as her eyes lightened.

Before I could even sit down, Kari wrapped her arms around me tightly, hugging me. "Can I tell you something?" She asked as she wiped away my tears with her finger. "I won't say that I love you," she started. My heart dropped as those words left her lips. "But," she continued. "I felt something special when you told me your feelings, Skie. Something hit me hard and made me feel like something within me had been fulfilled." Her words warmed me on the inside as she moved her hand to my cheek. "And, when you kissed me," she continued as she pressed her thumb onto my lips. "My body became hot, and it felt so, right. I thought something was wrong with me, but after hearing what your mom said, I understood.
It felt good because it was wrong. But I don't care. I don't care what other people think, and I don't care what she thinks." She took a deep breath and sighed heavily. "Truthfully..." She paused as if she was debating her words. "... If we continue this... secretly of course... I might...." she halted her speech and moved her thumb from my lips, rubbing my cheek.
"It's a bit hard to explain..." She said blushing. "Do you mind if I try another approach?"
I shook my head as she placed her other hand on my hip and sat in my lap, our stomachs touching, her breath riding down my neck.

"Your mom will hate me." She laughed.

"Oh nooooo!" I replied sarcastically.

She rubbed her nose against the tip of my nose and gracefully pressed her moist lips against mine. I bit her bottom lip playfully, sending an invitation she gladly accepted. Her tongue danced with mine, creating a feeling I never knew possible. My body was so hot, and I could feel the sweat off hers.
She was pushing me to my limit.
Our eyes met as she gave me a mischievous glare and moved her hand to grip my thigh. To counter, I did the same to her. I was about to let a moan escape my breath, but she beat me to it.

"Weakling." I laughed.

"Meanie." She responded, pouting.

We didn't do any more than that, but we stayed up pretty late talking to each other. I had regretfully forgotten a very important feature of tomorrow.

Tomorrow was Monday,


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