Yo 「Skie」

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[pre-A/N]: sorry for being so inactive with this story guys! recently, I've had a bit of emotional trouble and a few incidents involving my family happen and I haven't really been in the mood to write more of this story until I felt well enough to do so. thanks to a few of my internet buddies, I think I'm to the point where I can keep it going without making it be awkward. I'm going to try to write as many parts as I feel like today (since I'm pretty bored XD) so you guys should be happy. I honestly don't remember where I left off so if some of this doesn't make sense then sorry ^3^' also, a side note: I'm very tempted to drop this story for a bit (a month at most) and write an elsword fanfiction (if you know that game) shipping some characters, but I doubt that I will. Maybe if I think this story isn't going anywhere..? It kinda is already but oh well XD

*fetches phone to read previous chapter*


"I'm Skie Amador." I spoke loudly as I cleared my throat, facing the entire class. "Similar to 'I'm a door' as pointed out by the weirdo you just learned the existence of. I'm also fifteen and I'm decently active I suppose. I came here from Japan literally not long ago and I hope to make friends with many of you."

"Well done!" The teacher commented, seemingly pleased as most of the students in the room clapped as I walked aside. "It's time for our final introduction I suppose. Best for last?"

Alex nodded awkwardly in reply, trying to fit in with the general mood. "Y-eah. My name is Alex. I'm fifteen. A lot taller than most girls my age, and, according to Kari, I'm a giraffe. I was in the student council at my last school and I guess that was pretty fun. I hope to have a great school year with you all."

The class began to clap for at most a single second before the teacher interrupted them.

"Ah, last name?" He asked Alex, looking down at the paper he was filling out for each of us, most likely to put us in the school's database.

"Oh, yeah- it's Eden."

"Eden?" He responded in question almost instantly. "Unusual. Not very Japanese. Father from another country?"

"Ah, maybe."

"Eden..?" Kari asked me almost instantly with a almost unsure tone within her voice. "Why is her last name Eden? Both of your last names aren't fitting with your background."

"Foreigners having kids in Japan and, the offspring being male, keeping the last name. Think about it."

"So you're both partly American- or something?"



[A/N]: is they relate or no omg merica plot twist i get so lazy at the end of chaps sry ok idk whai but i do and it is tragic so tragic omg 10/10

sury 3 any 5 mistakez ok i cant plot develop

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