World 「Kari」

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My face lit up as Skie's words flooded the room, a childish grin forming upon my cheeks.

"Where do you live?" Her mother blurted, ruining the atmosphere.

"America." I smirked, raising my fist up. "Land of the freeee!"

My dad elbowed my side, causing us both to laugh.

"Don't ruin the rep." He smiled.


Skie's mom went without a word, handing over Alex, and slamming the door behind us. Her breathing, jagged and angry as if she was enraged. Skie seemed careless, beaming as we descended the stairs. This was the happiest I had seen her since we'd met, and it was an honor to be a part of it.

"What's the story, kiddos?" My dad questioned, breaking the silence.

"What do you mean?" I asked, glancing up at him.

"Well~" he started. "You two did get all lovey dovey back there and kiss. What's the story?"

My face shot bright red as my mind drifted back to that moment. I had almost forgotten about our kiss, the kiss that happened because of desperation, guilt, and sadness. I had just realized how stupid I was. I was now going to be teased by my dad for the rest of my life.

"D-dad..." I stuttered through my embarrassment. "Not right now."

"Oh, come on~ it was cute!"


I looked over to Skie, who was smiling nervously during the whole conversation.

"Wanna show him?" I whispered playfully.

"What do you mean?" She mumbled in response.

"I mean can I kiss you?"

A blush flooded her cheeks as those words left my lips.

"I guess that's a yes." I smirked, touching my nose to hers. "Let me get dad."

"Wha- why?!" She panicked.

"Daaaaad!" I yelled, ignoring her cries. "Watch this!"

I moved swiftly, wanting no delays, as I parted our noses, tilted my head, and pressed my lips to hers, smiling. I heard the click of a camera, turning my head to see my dad's phone.

"What's that for?" I murmured, parting my lips from Skie's.

"Instagram, of course!"

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