Invasion 「Skie」

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**Skie is the girl mentioned by Kari**

While mom was busy feeding the slobby girl who had entered with her, I decided to relax for a bit. I sat down in the living room and got out my phone to check my social media sites. I would look up occasionally to check to see if the pig had finished clearing out the trough, but no signs showed of slowing. How much can this girl eat?!

I looked up from my phone yet again to notice the girl staring at me again like earlier. She was leaning back, her strawberry-blonde hair covering the back of the chair she was seated in. It reminded me of earlier, when we had that moment of awkward silence when she first entered the house. Her eyes were so empty yet charming, they made me feel uneasy and nervous inside. I felt violated by those eyes, like they were something sacred, not to be seen by anyone. They were a light blue sea, deeper than ours, and I felt hopeless as I swam inside them. I didn't know what this feeling was. The desire to expand my knowledge countered my fear of this girl, she was an alien trespassing into claimed territory. "Hey, Skie! Go fix the spare mattress, sweetie! I'm going to let our guest stay overnight!" My mom yelled through the house. "Alright mom!" I replied, as I slid out of my chair and headed upstairs.

We didn't have visitors often, so we didn't have much of a "spare room," more of a "spare bed." We had a nice mattress we stored in the closet upstairs that we used when my cousins spent the weekend over at our house or for family gatherings over the holidays. After almost having the mattress fall on top of my body, I succeeded in getting it out of the closet. I debated on where to take the mattress, since we usually would move it into my room, but this girl was a stranger, she wouldn't do that, right?
"Mooooom!" I called.
"Yes, honey?"
"Where do I need to put this mattress?" "O-oh, darling just set it down in your room. I want our guest to sleep well tonight, so do you mind sleeping on the mattress for tonight?"
I gulped. Why would she make me sleep near that slob?! She's the one who brought her here! At least let her bathe, please!

I dreadfully placed the mattress on the floor, spacing it decently far from the bed. "I mean, I don't understand why I'm the one having to give up something here. This is my house!" I mumbled to myself, hoping I was quiet enough so that my mom didn't hear me.

"Are you done yet?" My mom asked through the door to my room.

"Yeah... I guess. Have you gotten her ready to sleep? We can go ahead to bed now if it would help you."

Why was I saying these things! I wanted to try to delay sleeping as long as possible, but at this rate, I was going to end up with the opposite result! I opened my mouth to begin speaking when I heard the door knob turn and open slowly. My eyes widened as the girl from earlier entered through the door but was actually clean! The scent of fruity shampoo flooded the room and danced in my nose, making me want to sneeze. As I looked closer, I realized that she was wearing some of my sleeping clothes. Mom had dressed her in my camo pajama pants and a light cartoon character shirt that had become wet from the water left on her body from her bath. You could see through the chest area of her shirt, but she didn't seem to care. "You-- your shirt i-" before I could finish my sentence, the girl had plopped down on my bed and began to fall into sleep. I threw a blanket over her body to keep her warm overnight and sat down on the spare mattress.

"Maybe this won't be as bad as I thought it would..."

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