Bet 「Kari」

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My heart sank when I realized we would have to negotiate with Skie's mother. Just the single fact that we, perfectly sane human beings, would have to convince a slightly crazy female was making me want to cry.
We didn't have a chance.
Alex would get her way and get us both in detention, or even worse,

We sat in silence, placed in the chairs directly facing the desk where the principal sat. The three of us, Skie on my right, Alex on my left, were looking at each other secretly. Alex stabbing into me with death glares, Skie sending me waves of worrisome smiles. They were complete opposites when it came to how they looked toward me, I guess. I had a defender and an attacker, hostile and friendly, a war over just one person.

I smiled mischievously to myself.

I can start a war, huh?

Soon after, the door to the principal's office was slammed open by who I was confident was Skie's mom, but I turned my body around to see that she wasn't mad.

She was crying.

I sighed in relief as she ran up to me and hugged me tightly. Her grip was strong and desperate, as if she had been worried about my wellbeing.

"Thank god..." She cried as she grabbed Skie's shoulder and pulled her into the deep hug. I smirked at her, seeing she was now having to go through the pain I was.
"It's okay mom, seriously." Skie managed to breathe as she tapped her mom on the back to signal her to let go. We were both given freedom, receiving a smile of relief in return.

I grinned back, assuring her I was feeling well, and turned back around in my chair so that I would be facing the principal. I felt a tug on my left sleeve as I rested my hands on the arm rests of the office chair, so I turned my body, realizing it was Alex.

"I bet I'll make her hate you by the end of this little meeting." She smiled, pointing to Skie's mother.

"Alright." I smirked in response. "And what are we betting exactly?"

"How about...Skie..."


**A/N: a short chap yet again, but we really get to see the conflict between Kari and Alex forming now. What do you guys think will happen?**

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