Chat 「Kari」

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"Here." Skie mumbled, pushing the phone into my hands. "He wants to talk to you."

I glanced at the phone, skimming over their previous conversation and smiling at Skie's attitude toward him. I sent a quick "hello, this is Kari" and pressed the button atop the phone to allow the screen to fade to black.

"Better not do that." She giggled. "He responds almost instantly."

"Really?" I sighed. This boy is definitely up to something if he is this eager, and I didn't really want to know what.

The phone quickly buzzed, jumping around my lap.

Preston: Hey! Sup?
Preston: Hey?
Preston: Kari?
Preston: Did you die?

I sighed, sliding my finger across the screen to unlock it, and tapping the empty box at the bottom of the app.

Skie: hey! Skie told me I need to talk to you? What's up?

Preston: Oh, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to meet up sometime. Preferably not bringing Skie along. She doesn't seem to like me >.>'

My heart sank as I realized I hadn't told him I was leaving with Skie to go to America. Sure, it was a sudden, last-minute decision, but I guess I could've at least gotten her to contact him for me, seeing I didn't take my phone with me when I ran away. He had even given me his number, which caused the guilt to feel even heavier.

"What do I say?" I breathed, gulping and holding out the phone for Skie to see.

"Looks like somebody's fucked." She joked, giggling a bit.

"This isn't funny!" I yelled a bit louder than I would've liked, causing the attention of most relatively close passengers to point to me.

"S-sorry." I mumbled, pulling my scarf up to hide my mouth.

"Just tell him you can't. Oh, and also tell him I do hate him, just to clarify."

"Alright." I exhaled, shifting my attention back to the screen, noticing he had sent another message during my freak-out.

Preston: I just want to tell you something really important :)


[A/N]: just to clarify before people freak out, where the message says "Skie:" it is actually Kari talking, but it's under Skie's name since it's her account. Okai, bye bye! Cya next chap!

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