Departure 「Kari」

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After awkwardly taking turns dressing in the restroom, we all finally clothed ourselves for the trip Mom had mentioned. Nobody bothered messing with their appearance much due to the fact that we didn't have any time, although Skie did try to get her hair straighter with a brush, which obviously failed.

As I waited for my mother to finish up her go-around the house to ensure nothing was left on, I snuck a few pieces of candy into my pockets to calm me in bad times if they were to occur, as well as for bribery and brownie points.

"Are you girls ready?" She asked as she rounded the corner, hoisting her bag onto her shoulder.

"Probably." I muttered, sliding my hands into my pockets and placing my feet toward the door. "Where are we going again? You never said."

"I thought Skie told you earlier. We're going to try to enroll you into a school nearby again. It'll be different from the last one since you didn't seem to like it all that well when you were there before you went on break. You should at least thank me."

"Thank you for putting me in a hell hole?"

"Well- yes, but-"

"At least you agree. Can we just go and get this over with?"

"Alrighty then, lets go!"

Skie and Alex followed behind us as we trudged down the metal staircasing that led to the parking lot in front of the apartment building. Mom didn't bother to try to converse with us due to the fact that she probably understood the fact that I was beyond frustrated right now and didn't want to get into a fight, although events similar to such rarely happened.

"Do you think you can drive without wrecking the car this time?" I asked, slinging myself into the front seat on the passenger side. 

"I'm pretty sure we won't wreck two days in a row." She retorted in reply.

"Well, you never know."


[A/N]: hi guys! this is my first time writting a chapter on the wattpad site! if this chapter is shorter/longer than the otehr ones im sorry because its really difficult to compare them! i'm also sorry if there are lots of mistakes due to the fact that it doesn't tell you if something is spelled incorrectly (It is very annoying tbh) so anyway enough rambling. You guys have a good night/day!

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