Finally? 「Skie」

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The car soon slowed as we turned down a narrow street, surrounded by apartment buildings that towered high. I eyed the numbered walls as we passed, taking in my surroundings for future reference. I didn't want to get lost here, seeing that it would be easy for somebody to snatch me and rape my ass if I even stepped outside my general area that was provided.

"It's so dark." I mumbled, resting my head to the side, leaning against the seatbelt.

"Sorry about that." Kari's mom sighed, as if she were disappointed. "It's nice on the inside, though."

"Do we get to have campfire fun time?"

I heard a giggle emit from Kari's lips as she turned her head.

"Campfire story time." She corrected, smiling. "Get it right."

"Sorry~" I pouted falsely, happy to see she actually still had the ability to communicate. "But what is it?"

"We get to laugh at the munchkin over here." Her mother intruded, laughing in the process. "Her chaotic childhood all over again."

"I'm not a munchkin, thank you very much!" Kari replied, playfully frustrated. "I'm already fifteen!"

"Close enough."

"Not really..."

"Yeah really..."

They continued their miniature argument, eventually leading to the arrival home to shut them up. A wreath hung from a hook placed on the door, greeting me with the scent of pine.

"So this is it?" I breathed, my heart pounding with nervousness and excitement.



[A/N]: lol nothing really happened in this chap, sawwie. I don't like leaving blanks in my story, such as small events that may not seem to mean much, but will impact greatly. Oh, and on a sadder note, my doggie died :c it's okay though, he's in a better place. anywayyyyyy, happier note, I plan to make a fanart book for guiltless, which will be filled with art from you guys! (Maybe even from myself) I'll also support fanfiction if anyone writes one of those :3 okiiii, so if you'd like to have an artbook made, just comment saying you would •3• okai, bye bye until next chap!

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