Truth 「Kari」

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[pre-A/N]: yes, two Kari chapters are necessary to this lel.


"...Hey there." I muttered as I pushed myself up onto the top of the wall, Alex positioned inches below me.

She glanced up at me, a bit confused at first, then jumping upwards.

"H-Hi!" She stuttered. "D-don't shoot me. How did you even get up there?!"

"Ah, I have Skie holding me up."

"Lucky her."

"I know right?! She acted like it was the worst thing in the world!"

"...I was being sarcastic."


"Get to the point!" Skie grunted, hitting my knee.

"Ouch, God. Give me a minute!" I whispered back to her, huffing. "Uhh- anyway, Alex! Why are you over here in the corner exactly?"

"Eh, I just didn't really like playing anymore since it seems kinda slow. Plus I have a disadvantage."

"True." I responded quietly, biting my lip. "That was a really nice song you were humming by the way."

"W-wait, you heard?!"

"Uh- no?"

"You're a bad liar." She blushed although she appeared to be angry. It confused me a bit how she could have so many emotions showing through at once.

"Well, that's mean of you."


"Oh, and question. What was it exactly? It was really appealing to me."

"Just some tune my father used to mouth to me before I slept. Nothing much."



And now I shall casually make more space lel

[A/N]: ok so this chap is odd but now we get a bit of Alex past happening so let us see who her father is •o• sorry for any mistakes as always!

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