Maybe 「Skie」

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I gulped heavily, scooting over as Kari plopped herself down on the couch. She seemed not to mind the almost nonexistent distance between us on the tiny seat, pulling the bag from the table and brushing my arm in the process. My gaze averted from her general direction, scanning the television screen.

"74% loaded"

I sighed, closing my eyes as the sound of Kari reaching around in the bag rang through my ears. I was hoping Netflix would save me from this awkwardness, but my luck seemed to be fading.

"Put this in your mouth." She smiled, placing a chip in my open hand. "But don't eat it yet."

"Why..?" I asked, rubbing my fingertips on its rough texture. "What are you going to do?"

"Oh, and I'll need your phone, so get that out please."

She ran her hand along my thigh, causing me nervously smile, reaching into the pocket of my pants.

"You tell me to get it, yet you do it yourself." I laughed, trying to ignore her suggestive actions. "Make your mind up."

"Oh, just shut up. You were too slow."

"Excuses, excuses."

She swiped the phone, unlocking it, then proceeded to tap the screen numerous times as if opening an app and selecting features within it.

"You still haven't told me what you're doing." I breathed in frustration. "If you don't hurry up I'm just gonna crumble this chip."

"Go ahead." She smirked, looking into my eyes. "There's plenty more."

"You were just saying we need to conserve our chips?!"

"I'll make an exception for you."


[A/N]: Kari's gonna do something stupid. I can just smell it. haha maybe not. Dunno. we'll see. SORRY IF THIS IS BAD I FEEL LIKE SHIT. MEH. OKI NEXT CHAP. (Sorry if I made any mistakes btw. I'll fix it if you see one)

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