Yourself 「Kari」

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"So what do we need to be doing right now?" I asked Kailee, glancing over to her and resisting the temptation to poke her arm, knowing I didn't want to seem overly close to someone I had just started socializing with today.

"Well, you can use the restroom or just go talk or get in a fight with all the girls in there. That's something that occurs quite often." She replied, pushing a strand of hair behind her shoulder. "Or you could go meet up with your next teacher to make sure he likes you enough before you have your first class with him. There isn't much to do since we don't have actual books here and just tablets. Lockers are pretty much useless."

"Have you ever been in one of these fights?" I asked, smirking sarcastically, almost knowing the answer from there.

"Maybe..." She muttered in reply. "Private information."

"Skie's been in a few fights in her time." I coughed, throwing my thumb back in her direction. "The ones I know of have involved the other one with her."

"You guys don't seem like you'd be the type to fight."

"It's complicated..." Skie smiled sincerely in response, trying her best to prolong the continuation of the current topic.

"Those two have kiiiissed, and I've kissed Skiiiiiiie, and its a big mess." I glanced over to Kailee to possibly get a kick out of her response, but she seemed to not even be phased.

"I kinda figured." She giggled humbly. "You guys are all really close, like those army guys that go through tough shit together and they're really close afterwards."

"You don't have to watch your language here?" Alex jumped into the conversation. "Isn't this like a religious school or like preppy school?"

"They say that, but they don't care." Kailee now laughed this time. "They never have. You might as well have third graders being hardcore rap gods over here. They wouldn't care one bit."

"Skieeeee~ You can start your rapping career now! This is going to be awesome!"

"Wait- what? When did I say anything about that?"


[A/N]: hullo :D how you all be? i'm out of school now! That means I should be more consistent when updating chapters (hopefully) but then again, I usually get distracted or completely forget haha. Anywayyyyyy~ cya next time :3

Sorry for any mistakes!

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