Distraught 「Kari」

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Gulping, I wiped the tears from my eyes, not wanting to attract any more attention than I needed.

Preston was awful.

An overall horrible being.

Sure, it might've been my fault for feeling this way now, seeing I did have a bit more attraction toward his enemy than him, but just going off about how he's better than Skie and how sick it is for me to feel this way without even being provoked, it was sickening. I hadn't even said a single thing to him, aside from telling him about going to America to see my family, which apparently made him jump to a few conclusions, asking me who's coming and such. I just didn't want to mess this up and break our friendship, so I decided that I'd let her handle it.

"What if I screw up?" She joked, attempting to lift my spirits.

"You won't." I sighed, our gazes colliding. "I promise."

She responded with a reassuring smile, kissing my nose playfully.

"I'll see what I can do, okay? But I'm not making any promises."

"Okay." I grinned, motioning her back to the phone.

I watched as her eyes slowly progressed toward the device, her eyes widening as she glanced through the messages.

"What did you do to ruffle his feathers?"

"I dunno."


[A/N]: OH HEY WASSUP? IM SLACKING IN MY PROJECT CATEGORY •3• sorry about that teach! I felt bad leaving you guys and breaking the every day update steak •^• sawwie x3 no guarantee it'll be every day though. Depends if I have time. Mmkay~ booooooop.

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