Farewell 「Skie」

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"Mooooom!" I yelled in frustration. "Who the hell is this?"

There was no response, only the snoring of the intruder, which hurt my ears and annoyed me. I sighed, backing away from Kari and placing my hand on her shoulder.

"Go find mom. She'll yell at me if I approach her." I smiled weakly and reassuringly.

"A-alright..." She replied. "What do I say to her?"

"Just tell her to come up here."

"Okay. Brb."

"Don't say 'brb' when you talk to someone, idiot."

"Well soooorry~" she teased as she ran down the stairs and toward the kitchen.

Minutes passed before I finally decided to attempt to reenter my room, swiftly cracking the door and peering through. I was met by a tall figure which swung the door open and patted me on the head.

"Hey there, munchkin!" He smiled, his eyes still partly closed from sleep.

"Hi..." I mumbled. "Who are you exactly?"

"That doesn't matter..." He muttered. "Where's my daughter?"

"Who's yo-"

Our conversation was interrupted by my mom's pounding as she began to climb the stairs.

"Loud." He whispered.

"Yeaaaah." I replied.

She finally surfaced, stabbing daggers into my eyes.

"What do you need?" She yelled, unaware of the presence of the guest.

"Don't yell at this beautiful girl!" He pleaded, stepping in front of my view and shielding me. "I would think that a mother would treat her child nicer!"

She looked up, eyes widened, as she realized the height of the man. Her expression refused to alter, though, for she was determined to stay strong.

"Who are you to judge how I raise my child?" She retorted, strengthening her glare.

"Mom- sto-"

"Shut up!" She yelled. "This isn't involving you!"

"Look," I breathed. "Just tell me where Kari is and I'll leave you to alone to fight."

My shield turned his head, his eyes meeting mine, filled with obvious excitement.


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