Emotions 「Skie」

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Half way through the movie, Alex and I were already cheering for different teams. She wanted Katniss to be with Peeta while I preferred Gale. Half of the time she was either wanting everybody to die or bugging me to get her another drink, so I wasn't enjoying the movie as much as I would've liked. I was hoping Kari and her mother would be home shortly, but I knew it'd take a while for them to get everything. I hadn't seen any big stores on the drive here, so it was at least thirty minutes away, if not more.

"I'm bored." I mumbled, elbowing Alex in the side. She didn't seem too pleased by my interruption, but I really didn't care.

"Then do something on your phone." She murmured, shoving a handful of chips into her mouth. "I don't know."

I sighed, yanking it out of my pocket and checking the screen. It was only a little after noon, but it had already felt like hours. I was already really tired, but I was determined to stay awake till Kari came back.

"I'm going to go snoop around Kari's room, okay?"

"Alright." She replied, most likely not even hearing me.

I stood, shuffling my feet down the hall until I was met with a door decorated by posters. I assumed this was her room equivalent, so I gripped the knob, turning it and entering.

I was greeted by light blue walls, decorated by band posters and pictures of guys. I bit my lip, feeling a bit of guilt for making her who she is now. It seemed that she used to be the typical preteen. Heck, she pretty much still is one.

I browsed her shelves, reading through books and looking through scrapbooks. She had a few pictures with friends, but she mostly seemed to be around family, at least one parental figure in each photo.

She was previously living a normal, enjoyable life, but she was only at our house because she ran away, right?

So why did she?


[A/N]: this chap is so bad omfg it's so late too but my mom forced me to go out with her and her insane friend. it was fun but I feel like I'm dead x.x NEXT CHAP BOOP sorry for any mistakes

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