Second-Guessing 「Kari」

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"I won't, I won't!" I chuckled awkwardly. "Don't worry. I'm not that mean."

"Are you sure?" Skie asked, narrowing her eyes in disbelief.

"Positive." I sighed, holding my eyes shut. "Can you go to sleep now?"

"So you said I can, right?"


"I'll take that as a yes, so sure, I'll be going to sleep. Goodnight."

"Okay, have fun."

"Wait... What do you want to bet your mom overheard us?" Skie giggled, shaking her head. "She'll bug the hell out of you for sure. She manages to hear everything somehow."

"She's still in there." I muttered, throwing my thumb to the side. "I think we're okay."

"Uhh- no she's not."

"Wait- what..?"

I turned my head and glanced into the kitchen to find my mother nowhere in sight, which caused my stomach to bottom rapidly at the thought of her actually hearing what I had said.

"I'm joking." Skie muttered as she let out a breathless laugh. "She went to use the restroom. You're okay."

"Thank god." I exhaled, placing my hand on my chest. "You made me want to hate you."

"Well, that's mean."


"That you would consider hating me."

"Oh. Well- it wouldn't be forever if I did. I couldn't last too long anyway."


"W-what was that for?"

"You're acting all cute now after I accepted your request."

"I-I can't help it! I'm just really happy, okay?"


[A/N]: incredibly sorry for there not being a chap yesterday! It got really late really fast and I was really tired and bummed out x.x I will try to fix my tardiness >:3

Sorry for any mistakes also! I got confused when I first began this chapter and was getting the PoV's mixed up, so hopefully that didn't happen and I fixed it!

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