Happening 「Kari」

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After the police's arrival, we were escorted to the nearest hospital to get a checkup and to clean our wounds. They recommended us to stay overnight, but Mom was able to convince them we were okay. They said I had sprained my arm somewhat, so they provided a sling to use until it felt better. My mom allowed me to stay in the hospital while she shopped for grocery items down the street, so I had a few minutes of awkward silence to enjoy with the injured people around me. Most of them seemed to either be fine or about to die, so I felt I couldn't relate to any of them. There were a few drunk guys with gashes on their heads, and a couple holding a child with worrisome expressions, but nobody seemed to be noticing each other's existence. They were all just pieces of a set, put there for a purpose, but never playing a key role.

A man soon came around, informing me that my mother's insurance would be able to cover the damage of the wreck, and that they provided is a rental car for in the meantime. I simply nodded and smiled as he handed me the keys, patting me on my uninjured shoulder. I wanted to drive down the street and pick her up to lessen the effort she'd need to use in order to return, but I didn't want to risk possibly wrecking the new car.

She soon returned with multiple bags lined up her arms, somehow able to sport a smile calmly.

"Do we have a car yet?" She asked, placing herself down next to me.

"Yep!" I grinned, best I could at least. "Want me to lead you to it?"

"Would be nice."

She followed me into the parking lot, handing me a few of the bags in the process. I truly didn't know where the car even was, but I figured I could find it if I searched hard enough.

"Where is it?"


"You're supposed to know!"

"Calm down, geez. It can't be too hard to find."


[A/N]: probs worst chap I've ever done. dialogue=0 and the silence seemed awkward. meh. sorry for any mistakes!

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