Motion 「Kari」

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My eyes were locked onto Alex as her body jolted sideways and onto the ground, revealing Skie's limp posture. Her lips parted, as if saying something before her actions, and her breathing heavy. I sigh of relief escaped my mouth as she began to slowly walk towards us, Preston still surprised by the whole incident that had just occurred.

"So..." He started. "...does that happen regularly..?"

"Yep." I joked. "I think she's bipolar."

"D-do we need to go get someone?"

"Nah. We don't need to be in any more trouble."

I signaled for him to stop talking as Skie came closer to us, unsure of what her actions would be. I sighed as she collapsed into my arms, hugging me weakly and smiling.

"Kari?" She mumbled.


"Who's the dipshit?"

I giggled slightly at her choice of words, trying to control myself.

"Be nice." I teased. "He didn't do anything."

"I dun care." She sighed, digging her nose into the crook of my neck, making it a bit uncomfortable to hold up her weight. "What's his name?"

I rolled my eyes, adjusting my weight so it'd be easier to hold her up.

"Ask him."

She looked up at me, sporting a pouty face, then averted her gaze to him.

"H-hi." He stuttered, smiling sheepishly. "S-sup?"

"Who are you?" She mumbled, digging her face into my shoulder like a child being shielded from a monster.

"Preston-" He uttered.

"Preston Ingram."


[A/N]: short chap, sorry •3• ~ I'm studying for midterms. Blegh. I think I failed all of them. Maybe not. Anyone want a cookie? We can have a party. Rainbow cookies and koolaid. Yaaay. *clap clap*

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