Denial 「Skie」

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My gaze lifted to Mr. Lambert as his eyes widened, his mouth dropping, revealing his lower teeth.

"Err-" he grunted, raising his hand to cover his mouth. "You'll be with your mom that day, so you won't have to come."

"That's not what I asked." Kari spat, clenching her fist as it sat on the table's edge. "What date? What's it for? What's planned, huh? You seem to be excluding a lot from me, 'Mr. Lambert'."

A gulp rode his throat as he straightened his posture, clamping his hand together.

"Look-" he started. "don't get mad-"

"I'm not mad!" Kari screamed, pushing herself up from the table and closing in on her father, causing them to be face to face. "I just want to protect you! You do this every time I see you! Running off to find another woman, wasting thousands of dollars to get married, then breaking it off when your interest fades! Mom was the only exception that ever happened, and I truthfully believe it only was because I was a mistake-"

Her breathing hitched in her throat as she finished, sniffling and rubbing her nose. I sighed, standing to hold her close to calm her.

"...Then where are we staying?" I blurted, Kari drowning in her own tears. "You brought us all the way here, so you had to have had a plan, right?"

He looked up to meet my glare, his eyes softening at the sight of my maturity and calmness, a rare occurrence for me if I do say so myself.

"Kari's mother hasn't seen her since she left, so I was going to send her there, but now there's three of you. I'm not sure if she'd take care of all of you, but that's our only option. I'd see you all on the wedding day, then visit every few months, maybe sooner."

"Sounds like you're gonna be living the life." Kari mumbled, biting my shirt.

"Don't tear my child." I giggled, pushing her lips off of the material covering my shoulder. "Straight from Japan. Americans don't understand."

"That's just stupid." She mumbled, faking her crying to have an excuse to be as close as possible.

"Where does she live?" I asked him, cutting myself away from my conversation with Kari.

"Oh, no need to worry." He smiled, nodding. "I told her to come here so she can pick you guys up. We don't live together anymore, so I'm not entirely sure where she'll take you."

"Sounds like she's gonna take us to an alley and murder us." I muttered, receiving a kick from Kari in return.

"Shut up. She's the good guy."




[A/N]: soooo, my project is due tomorrow and all I've done is read the book. I have to write a summary, define 40-ish words, tell what grade level, and every other time-consuming hell-hole workshop activity you could think of. I've been sitting here for 5 hours just watching YouTube and writing stories on here. Help meh plz.

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