Surprises 「Kari」

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I purchased my necessities with the nonexistent change in my wallet, cramming them into the provided plastic bags and exiting the store, along with my company.

"So where are we heading now, Mom?" I asked, pushing the bags up my arms to relax my hand.

"Car," She mumbled, clearly focused on the exit facing her. "Then home."

"Alrighty!" I yelled, trying to get her out of her monotone state. "I'm hyyyyyped!"

"Good god..." Alex muttered, rolling her eyes. "Calm down, psycho."

"Yeah... Please." Skie smiled, putting her finger to my lips. "No more attention please."

I melted as the contact was made, unintentionally shutting myself up. It had been a while since she'd been that close to my face, not since when we first met Dad, and even that'd felt like forever. I was turning into something I didn't want to be. I was craving her contact whenever she did the slightest thing, suggestive or not, and it was causing me to act completely different. When I had told my mother about "us", I had wanted to hold Skie so badly, pulling her into my arms and letting our lips touch, which would freak her out, for sure. But then again, there wasn't really an "us". We hadn't done anything to classify the two of us as such, and there hadn't been any vows of trust and assurance. To be honest, I didn't know if I was ready for that kind of commitment. Society wouldn't accept us, most of my family wouldn't accept us, Alex would constantly be jumping in to ruin everything, and I don't even know if I could accept it myself. It was just all so much to adjust to, risking my whole reputation and general happiness for a person I barely knew, but had been through so much with.

I just didn't know anymore...

Would it be worth the risk..?


[A/N]: hi sawwie short chap x.x I've been dying again. Woops. I'm not even supposed to be on my phone rn but oh well. REBELS UNITE. Okai, love you all. Goodie bye-ie. KARI YOU INDECISIVE BITCH CHOOSE YOUR BAE ALREADY. Okay I'm sorry that I'm yelling at my own characters >3> have a nice day. Sorry if there's any typos, I did this in like 15 min so yeh.

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