Trust 「Kari」

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"You guys have money, right?" I asked, gripping the handle of the arcade's entrance.

"I think I have a few dollars." Alex muttered, slipping her hand into her pocket. "Not a lot though."

"That's fine. Maybe I can get a discount for being injured."

"That's just cheap." Skie sighed, sliding by me as she entered through the door. "I don't think they'd even do that."

"Welcome, welcome!" A younger man smiled, his neck decorated with chokers and chain necklaces. He presented himself to be a nerdy teenager, but he wore rough clothes to appear cool. I responded to his gesture with a forced grin, approaching his counter.

"Sooo..." He mumbled, his eyes venturing rudely. "What would you girls like? The prices are up on the board."

"I have enough for an hour for all of us." Alex nudged, holding up a handful of dollar bills.

"Where'd you get money?!" I questioned, grabbing the bills from her hand.

"I found some in the house." She shrugged, resting her palm on the counter. "It was on the table."

"That's stealing!"

"So? It's not a lot."


"Now, ladies." The guy voiced huskily, probably trying to get us to fall head over heels for him. "I'll cut the price if it gets you to stop arguing. I'd let you go free but my boss would get mad at me." He winked at us as he ended his statement, smirking suggestively.

"Alright." I exhaled, becoming slightly irritated by his actions. "How much?"

"Is seven okay?"

"Yeah, sure."

I handed him the cash and quickly swiped the card away from his hand, turning toward the games.

"Thanks." Skie smiled, waving to him before catching up to me.

"Why were you so rude to him?" She whispered, tapping my shoulder. "He didn't seem to be a bad guy."

"I just didn't like how he acted toward us as a whole. That's all."

"You sure?"



[A/N]: Ty bbys Mmkay bye bye next chap I think my an's are getting boring but like you don't even knooooow. sry 4 eny mistakes ;-;

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