Bullies 「Skie」

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"You talk as if you have experience." I spoke, concern overtaking me.

"Well, I suppose I did get bullied a bit in Junior High." She laughed nervously, gliding her hand through her hair. "It wasn't that bad."

"Bullying in general is bad." I sighed, gently resting myself on the couch arm next to her. "Why did they make fun of you?"

"Just stupid things. I used to be a lot fatter then, so they'd tease me about my weight and height as well as how I acted around people. I wasn't very social with others aside from my family so I didn't have the best communication skills."

"That's cruel. I've never had anything like that happen to me. I guess that explains why there weren't many pictures of you with friends-"

"Where have you seen pictures of me..?"

"She snooped around your room and found a photo album earlier." Alex interrupted, grinning.

"How did you know!" I whispered aggressively, glaring at her.

"Why were you snooping around?" Kari asked, seeming a bit annoyed.

"Uhh...I was bored?" I muttered, lowering my head.

"Fair enough. There isn't much you could've learned about me anyway."

"What do you mean?"

"What I said, you couldn't have found much information about me in there."

"But maybe I need to."

"Oh..? Then what do you want to know about me?"

"I am quite curious about how you got to Japan."

"Well- okay."


[A/N]: I'm tried and sad boo

Sorry for short chap/any mistakes!

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