Forward 「Skie」

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After Alex and Kari's death match, we were greeted by a pissed teacher, most likely drawn to the yelling and screaming flowing from the room.
"What are you three doing?" He yelled.
"Classes started twenty minutes ago!"
Alex was trying to make up an excuse, going on about the whole "principal meet-up" and such. It just made me want to go up to her and beat the living crap out of her. My frustration was building up inside of me, and I couldn't stand this anymore.

"Alex assaulted me, sir." I mumbled.

"Say again? I couldn't hear you?" His voice filled with anger and stress.

Alex was glaring at me straight in eyes, and sure, it was a little terrifying, seeing she was taller than all of us, but I wasn't going to let her get away with this.

"Alex assaulted me, and she tried to kill Kari." My speech was still considerably quiet, but I assumed the teacher heard my words after nodding his head and leading Alex outside the student council room and towards the office. I didn't pay them much mind, though. My only priority was checking on Kari, since she had been pinned down to the floor and was almost killed by a psychopath. She still had a pulse, thank god, but I still wanted to let her rest in the nurse's office, seeing she would most likely be sore.

I was going to attempt to carry her, but seeing I was also beat up, both physically and mentally, I decided not to. There weren't any wheeled chairs in the student council room, and no carts could be found. After multiple attempts and failures, I came up with my last resort.

I pressed my body against the cold hallway floors, facing towards the ceiling. Rolling Kari on top of me, I proceeded to scoot myself down the hallway using my legs, butt first. Fortunately, no one was out wandering the barren halls, so embarrassment wasn't a hazard.

After seemingly hours, I finally arrived at the door to the nurse's office. I knocked on the door weakly, my response being a "come in!" and sat there for an awkward few seconds.

"I kinda can't open the door, Miss."

"Oh, and why is that? Do you need help?"

I could feel her presence right inside the door. She was teasing me, seeing I wasn't screaming bloody murder and yelling psychotically.

"Ehh." I sighed. "I'm kinda on the floor and can't get up..."

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