Sync 「Skie」

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I fiddled with my jacket's zipper as my eyes ventured into the barren sky through the plane's diminutive window. I wasn't nervous because of Kari and Preston's interaction, it was more of a "omg don't leave meh" feeling that made me uneasy. I knew I was going to receive one of two outcomes from this: a) "sorry Skie! I really need to see Preston, so I'll need to go back asap!" or b) "I'll be fine talking to him through you until I can get a way myself." Neither option was in my favor, but I knew she wouldn't just allow Preston to be left alone, seeing how she acted earlier when I told her that he wanted to talk. It sickened me to see how close they'd gotten in only a few days, as if he had some possession on her that I wasn't able to unlock when we'd met.

Sighing, I glanced over to see her staring at the screen, which indicated that their conversation hadn't progressed.

"What's up?" I mumbled, elbowing her arm without a response.

"I..." She started. "-don't really want to talk to him anymore...will you be me..?"

"What do you mean?"

"Just talk to if you were me."

I looked up toward her face, our eyes meeting almost instantly. Fear shown within them, a glaze of emotion I had never before seen in her. I bit my lip, gently sliding the phone from her hands and firmly gripping it in mine.



[A/N]: sorry this chapter is short-ish. I'm gonna take a break from now until January 5th, seeing I have a book report due the 6th and I haven't even started on it (not even the book) *cough cough* procrastination >.> don't die while I'm gone, and I'll try to update in between if I find the time. Being away doesn't mean you don't get updates :] Okai! See ya next chap whenever that may be!

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