Fault 「Kari」

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Passengers upon the plane soon began grabbing their bags as the announcement of descent was made. They all stood up at once, as if in unison, and shuffled their bags from the upper compartments around to their families. It caused me to snicker, seeing how simple the same thing was for everyone. I just wished that dealing with Preston was this easy and carefree. Just pressing a button and having everything fall in place. It could never be that way, though, seeing he now hated what I was, labeling me as whatever he pleased. I couldn't understand how he had changed so much after indirectly knowing a might be interested in Skie, but I guess it would cause someone to feel a bit uneasy.

"Do we need to go?" Skie nudged, knocking me from my daydream. "Your dad is already getting up."

"Ah- yeah." I muttered. "I guess so."

"Then come on!" She yelled, yanking me up from my seat and dragging me along behind her as we neared the exit. We fell into a long line of people about half way, causing her to pout cutely.

"Why are these people so slooooow?!"

"Most of these people aren't getting a free plane ride like you. They have jobs to be doing that they dread."


We were soon out of the plane, heading directly to the baggage area afterwards. Dad leading the way, we grabbed a booth in the food court.

"What do you girls want?" He asked, rubbing his nonexistent beard. "We probably have time to pick something up here."

I looked to Skie, whose eyes lit up at the idea.


"Sure." I smiled. "As long as it's okay with Alex."

"Oh." She groaned. "I forgot she's here."

"Hey Dad, is Starbucks okay?"

He looked to Alex, who seemed pleased.

"Alright." He grinned. "I'll get you all hot chocolate, if that's okay. Oh, and yell at me if you see your mother come over here. She's taking us home."

"Mom's coming?"


[A/N]: heyo! I've read half of my book project book, so you can't complain! Hue hue :3 do I get huggies now? I hope. If you do then I'll love you forever c:

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