Parting 「Kari」

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I eventually managed to stand my ground after being lightly mouth raped by Skie, the blush scattered across my face beginning to fade.

"Hey, Mom?!" I yelled, passing by Skie in an attempt to end our contact. "Where did you put the rest of the shopping bags?"

"Kitchen table." She replied as I entered the kitchen, placing the bags lined along my arm and sling alongside them. "Show the girls the clothes you got them while you're at it."

"I'm scared." Skie giggled, grabbing one of the bags. "Who knows what you've picked out."

Alex soon arrived afterwards, grabbing a bag for herself and searching through it.

"It's so colorful." She mumbled, pulling out a few shirts and examining them. "But your tastes aren't bad. They're awfully American though. I feel like a walking hipster."

"What does that mean exactly?" I asked, eyeing her in annoyance. "Do hipsters not walk now?"

I was rewarded a grunt as they both began to dig deeper into the bags. It was entertaining to watch their faces light up as they inspected each piece of clothing like children on Christmas.

"You'll have to share it between the two of you." I added, adjusting my arm in my sling. "We didn't want to buy without reference, so it'd be easier for you to just pick and choose whatever."

"Then this is mine." Skie grinned, pulling out a black tee with a cat design on it, holding it up to her chest to ensure it fit.

"Damn." Alex sighed. "You beat me to the cool ones."

"Are you saying the other ones aren't cool?" I pouted.

"No, but I don't want to be a walking giraffe everywhere I go."

"I think you already are."

[A/N]: oi! Sup? I just ate bbq and I feel sick but yay a chapter (as expected, right?) anyway! Next chap woo! Sorry for any mistakes!

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