Deciding 「Kari」

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"Next prize!" Terrence sighed, digging deeper into the bag as he eyed us. "A pair of glow-in-the-dark sunglasses and a lollipop! Two in one since I'm obviously nice enough."

"I'll pass." Skie sighed, glancing to me. "Give them to her."

"Oh- yay..?" I blurted as he shoved the items into my hands.

"And finally..." He mumbled, dragging his speech. "Saving the best for last..."

"Just give it here." Skie exhaled, grabbing the bag from his hands and opening it.

"Oh yay." She muttered sarcastically. "A bag of chips. I feel so rewarded."

"Shut up and take my kindness."

"Okay, fine."

The next few moments were a bit awkward. It was almost complete silence aside from the crackling the bag of chips made as Skie opened it. We were all sweaty and uncomfortable, so we couldn't really stay still without getting our clothes stuck to us in the process. We were sharing glances occasionally, mostly from Skie because she wanted to go to the bathroom and aggressively mouth-rape me I'd assume.

I wished at least.


Maybe I don't.

I hadn't thought about my dilemma until now, as a few nights ago I was unsure of whether I liked her, to now hoping she kisses me. I didn't understand how my feelings could be so unstable and spontaneous at times nowadays. After having the wreck earlier, I had felt as if it would be awful to not be able to see her and to worry her like I had, but just earlier during the game, it felt like we were simply friends. It didn't really feel like I was trying to friend-zone her or anything, but I didn't know what I wanted yet, and that was bad.

"Oi." Skie sounded, flicking my nose. "Earth to Kari?"

"Oh- hi...sorry."


[A/N]: OMG bad chap is bad I still haven't opened the plot up XD I'm bad at this guys

Sorry for any mistakes!

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