Encounter 「Kari」

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**thx for 100+ reads! Keep it coming mah frands :3**

I woke up to Skie's alarm on her phone, which she resisted to obey.
"Wat's the alarm for, bruh?" I asked.
"Schoooool." Skie moaned. "And what's with the 'bruh?'"
"I dunno." I replied. "I talk differently when I'm tired."

We dressed in silence, paying no mind to each other as we got ready for school.
"Who's gonna shower first?" I asked.
"You go ahead, I took a bath last night."
"So that's why you smelled so fruity?" I said with a smirk.
"Shaddup!" She said with a heavy blush.
"Your fault!" I teased.

The shower head clicked on as I turned the knob and adjusted myself under it.
"Coooooold." I moaned.
"Deal with it." I heard Skie mumble through the door.



The morning went by rather quickly, and next thing I knew, we were at the front gate of my new school.
"Do I need to take you to the office or will you find your way yourself?" Skie said sighing.
"Take me please. I don't trust these people!"
"Damn! Trust issues already? Faster than me!"
"Is dat a good thing?"
"No, dumbass."
We walked through the halls together in silence. A comfortable silence that calmed me. I could hear her breathing breaking the silence every few seconds.
"You okay?" I asked.
"Yeah." She replied. "Just nervous."
"I don't understand why, but okai."
"You'll see."
We came to the door of the student council room. Skie lifted up her hand to knock on the door, but was interrupted as the door swung open.

"Oh, heeeeey Skie!" A shorter girl said as she exited the student council room.
"Hehe.... Long time no see." Skie replied to the girl, seeming to feel uncomfortable.
"Who's this?" The girl asked.
"Oh yeah, Kari, this is Alex. Alex, Kari."
Alex glared at me with a hateful expression, switching it quickly before Skie could notice.
"Uh... I kinda asked the question first..." Alex blurted. "Don't see why your friend's so special."
"What?" I asked.
"Oh, nothing really." Alex responded. "Just a bit of my perfectionism poking out."
"Ah, okay, sorry." I could tell this girl already hated me.

"So what do you guys need?" Alex asked, breaking the silence.
"Ah, I- ermm- we came to get Kari's schedule. I got mine here earlier this year, so I assumed you had to do the same with transfer students."
"Welp. You assumed correctly my friend." Alex led us into the student council room and to her desk.
"Here you go!" She said to me with a wicked smile.
"Yeah. Thanks." I replied with a forced casual laugh as I smiled back at her.

I followed Skie towards the door and into the hall.
"Have fun you guys!" I heard Alex yell through the door.
"Alright." Skie replied.
"Hey Sk-" I began to speak before she cut me off.
"Not yet."
I followed her down the hall until we turned around a corner. She grabbed my wrist and pushed me against the wall, her face incredibly close to mine, and glanced around the corner. A sigh of relief left her lips as she loosed her grip on me but still held me there. She clung closer to me and held onto me for a while, then released and looked me in the eye.

"Who was that?" I asked in confusion.

"Do you really want to know?"

"Yeah, kinda."

"Well, let's just say, she's a seductive bitch who's rotten to the core and gets her way."

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