Entrance 「Kari」

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My gaze drifted along my mother's hand as she turned the knob, forcing the door open with an excessive amount of strength. A thud echoed through the barren hallway as it rammed itself into the wall forcefully.

"Good god," I muttered under my breath. "Don't break anything."

She elbowed my side, giving me the certainty of her hearing me, as she walked through the doorway.

"Where do we sleep?" Skie asked, squeezing through the entrance.

Mom looked back at her, her line of sight lingering on Skie as if she had just spoken a foreign language of some sort. Her face almost immediately showed embarrassed realization, as she smiled sheepishly, fluttering her eyes to bring herself back to reality.

"Uhh" She muttered. "We have sleeping bags...I think..?"

"I thought you had a plan?!"

"Yeah..." She sighed, brushing her hand through her wavy hair. "For one of you. There's two more than I needed."

"Well, I'm sorry that my Mom's a jerk." She retorted, wincing a bit from her own words.

"So I get points for being better?"

"I don't know if you're better yet."

"Oh, come onnn~"


"I'll let you sleep with Kari if you give me points."

I blushed deeply at her teasing, allowing me to realize that she understood what we were going through.

"Mom." I groaned, hiding my face within my palms.

Skie's face had drifted downwards, as if deciding the decision that would save the world, her eyes intently focused on the ground.

"Okay!" Skie grinned, throwing her thumb up as she swung herself upward. "Deal."

"What..?!" I stuttered. "Am I just your currency now?! Plus, that woman is crazy when she gets points. Pure evil!"

"I dun careeee." Skie groaned, leaning her head back slightly to add effect. "Still worth it."

"Oh really, now?"

"Yep. Definitely."


[A/N]: OMG GUISE IS IT GONNA HAPPEN MAYBE HOLY MEAT BALLS AND SPAGHETTI. IS THE MOM GOOD SIDE? OMG YAY MAybez. Oh, and I posted that Fanart thing if you're interested. Mmkay. Is mom good side? What will Alex think? Is there the Cheetos guy involved? Am I a caterpillar? So many questions, but no answers.... yet.

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