Courtesy 「Kari」

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After drowning my face in the water that spouted from the fountain placed near the restrooms, I took a break, setting myself next to Skie as she watched Alex dance to another song.

"You okay?" She asked, resting her chin on her palm as she turned to face me.

"Yeah, fine." I smiled, exhaling. "Just got a little too hot for comfort."

"I could see that. You eventually just gave up and stood there."

"Hey now, I have an excuse!"

"Yeah, an excuse you avoided so you could come to some beat-down rat cave."

"Hey now, some people make a living here!" A masculine voice intruded, poking my back and startling me. An awkward squeak escaped my lips which made me blush nervously as Skie laughed her ass off.

"Oh...sorry." He mumbled, squatting down. "Did I hurt the little duckling?"

"I'm not a duckling, and fuck off." I sighed. "If you're just going to flirt with us I don't want to talk to you."

"I have no bad intentions, trust me. I seem to have just caught you off on the wrong foot. I'll start over, okay? I'm T-"

"Yeah, and I don't care."

"Yeah, and you're pretty." He retorted. "Quite beautiful actually."

"And I have a girlfriend." I smirked, grabbing Skie's arm and yanking her toward me.

"I-I-I didn't agree to this!" She stuttered, her face lighting up with a gentle shade of red.

"Seems you have now." The guy grinned, nudging Skie's shoulder. "You two have fun. I'll ship you and tell all my friends!"

"Wait- no! You're supposed to help me here!"

"Nah. I don't want to interfere."


[A/N]: heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheeeeeh fillers are best. sry 4 eny mitststakes k lel. you guys like Terrence tho? He seemed a bit like Preston at first but maybe you guys will give him a chance cx

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