Delayed 「Kari」

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After finally finishing all the questions provided on the paper, most of the work done by Kailee, I decided that it would be a good time to discuss my initial concerns when arriving at her desk. Most of the students would still be working at this point, so talking quietly would blend in with the discussion enough to blend in.

"Okay, so can we talk about earlier now?" I asked, poking her sleeve lightly to pull her attention away from the worksheet. "About the janitor and Alex and Skie?"

"Do you want me to be nice about it or be blunt?" She replied, causing me to tense up a bit, not entirely certain of what I was going to hear.

"Uhh... Does it matter?"

"Not necessarily. Maybe to your feelings, yes."

"What does that mean..?"

"Okay, let me put it this way, you're being too difficult. Alex likes Skie, right?"

"Uhh- she did... I think, but after I started dating Skie she wasn't as persistent."

"You're really shallow."


"She's not going to give up just because you started going out with Skie. That's not how a person's feelings work. She might try to hide it, but she still feels something for her."

"Okay..? And how does that relate?"

"Two people walk into a secluded area. One likes the other and has for a long time. The other isn't around their significant other, meaning nobody is watching them. What does the first person do?"

I bit my lip lightly as the final syllables drifted through the air, my idiot self finally able to put all the pieces together. Sure, I didn't think of Skie to b that kind of person, but knowing how much sympathy she had for Alex, if anything was attempted, she probably wouldn't resist.

"Uh... They...kiss?" I muttered under my breath, glancing up to meet Kailee's gaze. She obviously felt bad for me and my stubbornness at this moment, as her eyes were almost comforting me.

"Maybe, maybe not. Maybe even more."


[A/N]: why hello. I haven't updated this story in like a month. sorry about that. I've been tied up with editing and family issues and emotional issues and lots lots lots of issues. anyway, I might not update as frequently as I was, but I'll try to revive the story :) okay, buy bie!

Sorry for any mistakes!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2015 ⏰

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