Undisturbed 「Kari」

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I glanced behind me to catch a glimpse of our new guide as she entered the room, instantly identified as the girl we had seen before by my eyes alone. Skie and Alex both seemed to make the connection shortly after I did, as each of them let out a small sigh of relief.

She entered into the room with an almost disgusting aura of pride, prancing down the middle of the area until she faced the four of us with even leveling. I smiled as best I could as she began to speak, trying to show as much respect as I could as to not become her enemy.

"Oh, hey..?" She smirked awkwardly. "I see you guys figured out how to get her to identify me?"

"Yeah, it wasn't too hard." Skie smiled sincerely. "So your name is Kailee, huh?"

"Born and raised with it! I would be surprised if it wasn't."

I sigh at her energetic-ness and annoying tone toward Skie. They seemed to close to just have met, so I knew something was up with her.

"I'm Kari." I muttered, clearing my throat and forcing myself into their conversation. "And this one back here is Alex."

"Unusual names. Are you guys foreign? Well- I mean, obviously you are since two of you seem to have some Asian background, but this one- you're American enough." She grinned, pointing her fingertip to my nose. "What's up with your name?"

"No idea. Why don't you ask my mom that?"

"Will I ever have a chance to? Like, come over to your house?"

"We all live together, so for one, it'd be our house. And secondly, probably not."

"Bummer." She pouted, crossing her arms. She was soon caught off guard, however, as she glanced up to meet Skie's gaze. "I didn't ever get your name I don't believe. What it be?"

"Skie." Skie beamed humbly as if proud of her own name. "Skie Amador."

"First one to give me a last name. Point!"

"Wait- why did I get a point? What's it for?"

"Because you were nice to me, so you have a friendship point. I'm weird, sorry."

"Oh... uh- it's fine."


[A/N]: yoyoyo swaggy kiddie coos. I wrote this chapter on computer for once because I'm just a cool kid and I do that kind of stuff cx. I think it's easier for me to write it like this, so I'm probably going to pre-write a few chapters on here before I get sidetracked haha. Anyway, have a nice day/night/eve/noon/wutevr mmkay.

Sorry for any mistakes!

Guiltless (Yuri/GirlxGirl)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat