Far 「Kari」

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My mind was still in a whipped-up state after being crammed full of so much depressing information, not to mention that of the past of a seemingly bitchy, stuck-up rich girl. I felt that I could understand her more, why she acted as she did and why her attitude towards most people was foul. She wanted to be strong, not to be back-stabbed again by a person who she mutually cared for and never intended to hurt her. Isolation can be anyone's best friend when days go to dark, sure, but it seemed to me that those who used it gave themselves a bad image after doing so. She hadn't intended to become what she had, but because of the fact that Skie had managed to break her shell before it formed, she turned into the over-protective mother goose of a sheltered, clueless child. She was hostile to all but those who had already passed the line, seeing that even if you kill somebody who's already claiming your base, the others will still rush in close behind, but if you were to let the lone wolf stay and kill the slackers, you'll only have to deal with one person to reclaim your home.

"So..." Alex mumbled, fiddling with the clip on her vest. "What now?"

"Dunno." I exhaled in reply, attempting to mimic a deprived tone of voice that she seemed to have to not sound awkward. "I don't really feel like playing anymore. I've been immobile for too long."

"How much time is left in this match? I think it should be close to being over."

"Uhh-" Skie blurted, scurrying to check the monitor placed on the back of her gun. "Two minutes according to this."

"Okay then. So, what do you guys want to do until then?"

"Story time?" I suggested, attempting to smile convincingly.

"I think we just had story time." Skie sighed, glancing to me with an annoyed expression. "Ultra depressing story time."

"Then what do you want to do?" I huffed aggressively, pouting unintentionally.

"How about truth or dare, then?"


[A/N]: I'm super tired so I'm going to sleep now lol goodnight babes. This chap was really deep wow.

Sorry for any mistakes as always!

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